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04/29/2004 Entry: "Anya / Hennessy Discover Music Launch"
 Anya / Hennessy Discover Music Launch
In an unexpected Pos Laju package that made its way to my desk at 6pm was an invite to a private party at 8pm. With such a short notice, I normally would've dismissed it with a 'Eh?' and probably go on with whatever plans I have but I decided to go last night. It was the launch of DISCOVER MUSIC with HENNESSY V.S.O.P Live Series 2004 at Bar Blonde. I'm glad I did, and it wasn't because of the free flowing cocktails or the delectable Shane Simmons and his crew (who gave us a sneak preview of what to expect tonight at Zouk where he will be performing) either. I met someone who convinced me in 10 minutes that we were destined to meet. Her name is Anya. No, sipping a dozen cocktails didn't convince me to start picking up chicks. I went over to say hello to some people and she was there. We made small talk, then the conversation took a left turn and got more personal. She said some things to me that I needed to hear from another woman and will, in time, change the way I see things. We swapped name cards. She scribbled her mobile number at the back of hers and said I should call her. And I told her I would. I'm now plagued with the cliched 'morning after' question: "Should I call her?" (I am aware that it's very ironic that I'm saying this..) Anyway. Now would be a good time to point out that she has a daughter who is 7 years older than me. (!) I know all things happen for a reason, and for now I'm just glad we met. I might never hear from her again but I don't think she'd be someone I'd forget in a hurry. Oh, by the way, Shane Simmons is hot. And his music ain't bad either. I would go to Zouk tonight to check them out but I have dinner plans already.  The man and the band. The bass player is a serious hottie.All things happen for a reason. :)
Replies: 4 comments
re: 'bass player is a serious hottie' ...you should see him in the morning...like a wrinkled german sausage with a fuzz of mould on top...trust me, I know ;D
Posted by smach @ 05/05/2024 07:13 AM GMT
then you should be so lucky ;D
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/05/2024 09:04 AM GMT
hey, i'm the keyboard player in shane simmons' band. I'll let the bass player (Pat) know! :)
Posted by tom @ 05/09/2024 11:00 AM GMT
how did you guys find my site anyway? pat already knows ;P
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/09/2024 12:26 PM GMT
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