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05/09/2024 Entry: "Bee Gees overkill"

Bee Gees overkill

The CD player in my car has decided to drive me to automotive suicide by repeatedly playing Bee Gees' One Night Only Live. It starts playing at Track 14 (How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?) every time I get into the car. I can't change the volume (which is incidently on loud), turn it off, eject the disc or even change tracks. I have since figured that:

From here to Puchong, the CD will stop at approximately Track 19 (I Started A Joke).

The drive from Sri Hartamas to Bangsar will take approximately 4 tracks and will stop at Track 17 (Immortality).

However, to get to the city centre, I might take as long as Track 22 (How Deep Is Your Love) on a good day.

I have never gotten as far as Track 24 (You Should Be Dancing), which is the last track on the CD. I guess I don't travel far enough.

It's killing me because 'How Can You Mend A Broken Heart' is perpetually stuck in my head AND I can't hold any form of conversation when I am driving. STRESS! I will run out during lunch hour tomorrow to get someone to stop this insanity.

... And how can you mend a broken heart? How can you stop the rain from falling down? How can you stop, the sun from shining? What makes the world go round?...

Replies: 4 comments

hehe.. you closet BGs fan you..

Posted by M @ 05/10/2024 10:23 AM GMT

From home to work, it stops at Immortality. Woot.

Who said anything about closet? In any case, the CD was a gift from me to daddy. He forgot to move it over to his car. But I like Bee Gees anyways.. this is overkill though..

Posted by fuzzy @ 05/10/2024 12:46 PM GMT

ooo... fever night... fever night fever...!! i partied with night fever steph. woohoo! :)

Posted by kev @ 05/10/2024 07:08 PM GMT

absolute crap, and some craps actually believed this crap.

Posted by somebody @ 05/11/2023 06:18 AM GMT

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