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05/21/2004 Entry: "epiphany"


harlow braders and sisters. long taim no hear. tangkewp for all 2 response to my earlier blog. heheh nemind, i knows u all vely busy in your every day schedules. anyway i decided to blog la, but only one in a blue moon la. heheh...dowan to let u all suffers so much. suffer litter bits can. so, u all got miss me or not? got or not? i can't hear u!!! hehe. anyway, i wan to tell u all ah, last nite i was in bar savanh, and i experience some kind of, how to say, epiphany la. i diden see any apparition but i realises that all my blady life i've been too judgemental loh .ya my frens, so very judgemental (i must say "so very" coz my daddy say very bad to says "damn" or "farkin"). i mean ah, those wine-sipping, accented-spoken, silked-clothed basteds are human too. why should i look down on them? but i pity them lo. they don't have style. they donno the pleasure of sungei wang, big exhausts, airport lights and long key chains. their women never highlight kau kau. some more they talk in bad english. wat the hack, why anybody wan to drink wine when there's shandy or whisky with green tea. wah liao, chivas with green tea damn, eh i mean, so very shock man. haha better than my shock absorber. hahahaha i gooood today. so my frens, next taim when u see someone who thot they had styles but in actual fact they ott oni, give them a hug. i am reform oreidi. i drink the catharsis. hehe ok i leave u now. love 4eva, j.

Replies: 1 Comment

try 2 hot of vodka with a class of jasmine tea and tell me what you think.

Posted by NoStyler @ 05/23/2004 04:15 AM GMT

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