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05/27/2004 Entry: "Sickie"
Had such a long day at work. I had two tickets to see the Black Eyed Peas in concert tonight but I had to give them away because I was just too damned busy-slash-sick-slash-tired. At 2pm I decided to post about it here and see if anyone wanted them, but I didn't have time and eventually forgot. In the end, I got Nik to give them away. What an absolute waste.. I love the Black Eyed Peas. The concert is now over, and the Black Eyed Peas should now be at Bar Savanh partying as I type. Dammit. Am only awake now to check my emails to see if everything is OK at work.. I left the office about 7pm, came home to crash then Nik came to take me to the doctor's after he finished work. I feel like shite. Doctor says I have a really bad throat, cold, high fever and flu. Geez. Desperately need sleep, so good night for now. By the way, before I forget -- I have two extra double passes for Starlight Cinema. If anyone wants them, get in contact.
Replies: 10 comments
me me me me me me me me
Posted by Sui Lin @ 05/27/2004 12:26 AM GMT
count me in and take lots of rest and fluids ya...
Posted by kayz @ 05/27/2004 04:13 AM GMT
Poor girl, you're in a terrible state. Hope you'll be well soon. *huggs*
Posted by hsin @ 05/27/2004 10:08 AM GMT
sui: will u be back..? if u are then i will reserve 5 for u. kayz ahha ok.. anyone else..? hsin *hugs** :)
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/27/2004 10:50 AM GMT
hehehe yea.. coming back June 21!!!
Posted by Sui Lin @ 05/27/2004 04:04 PM GMT
WHAT?~!!! they were in savanh?!!!!!!!! ARRRGGGHH!!!!!!!!!
Posted by kev @ 05/27/2004 07:49 PM GMT
if the starlight passes are still up for grabs drop me a line please please please. -thanks get well.
Posted by jason @ 05/27/2004 08:05 PM GMT
sui lin.. ah, still got a week or so of starlight.. ;) ok will save some for ya! kev.. yeah they were... :( jason, mailed ya.
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/27/2004 10:46 PM GMT
thanks!! *hugz*
Posted by Sui Lin @ 05/28/2004 04:40 PM GMT
I wonder if I came here too late. Darn, there's no queue already. I must have been late.
Posted by vlad @ 05/30/2004 06:18 PM GMT
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