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06/08/2024 Entry: "Panic Button"

Panic Button

Like most people, I have a profound fear of dentists. Lying submissively in a strange chair and being completely at mercy of another person's actions is so not my idea of fun. Unfortunately the constant mild toothache coupled with a faint bruise that surfaced just under my right eye dictates it must be so.

Nik has scheduled me an emergency appointment at noon.

Update, schumpdate. Turns out to be a gum infection. Phew. For 10 hours there I was convinced I was gonna need a root canal thanks to Nik. Pfft.

Replies: 2 comments

oooh, nice layout steph. verrry nice. i is jealous. i WANT.

anyways, it seems everyone seems to be having dental problems these past few days.

for an empathy read, check out www.chern.blogspot.com and www.gongkapas.blogspot.com

good luck with the dentist :)

Posted by shen @ 06/08/2024 11:01 PM GMT

Thank God you didnt have to go through root canal. I had root canal before and it was 6 hours of hell !

Posted by ND @ 06/09/2024 06:27 PM GMT

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