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06/16/2004 Entry: "Shades of gray"
 Shades of gray
The skies don't look as blue today as they did yesterday. Day by day its transition from brilliant blue to dull grey hues seem gracefully accelerated. It's got nothing to do with the weather, I hear. It happens when one loses interest in opening their eyes to the technicolor goodness that surrounds us and instead surrendering to low-res, substandard grayscale scans with 16 gray levels. As the blue slowly desaturates, so does your perception. Soon, you find yourself sans opinions, every question eliciting an automatic (and bored) affirmative response. That's how people like me become cynical.
Replies: 1 Comment
I know what you mean.
Posted by mac @ 06/17/2004 09:01 PM GMT
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