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06/21/2004 Entry: "Seven sins"
 Seven sins
The final Pure White party was held at a 7,700sq ft. duplex penthouse at Berjaya Times Square. The theme was Sins. The drinks were strong and the chicks were apparently so hot that people were wondering if they were real. Some went commando (as per dress code) and the rest just stuck to white. I just went there for the hennessy-infused, chocolate coated mountain of strawberries. Honest.  A fuzzy picture of fuzzy stuffing her face with a mountain of fuzzy red fruits. Mmm. The epitome of greed and gluttony.
 Lynn and Steph
 Kev gets whipped by a girl (woo hoo!)
 Gluttony, one of the seven sins represented by a chocolate sauce bath (yum!), at the Pure White Sins party.
 Eleana, Steph, Gwen and Lynn
 View from the top : 44th floor of Berjaya Times Square
 Adam and Eve
 Edwin and Steph
 Marianne, Lindsay, Edwin and Kate
 Me and Nik deliciously drunk on the way out. I think I chatted up the other girl at the lift. Can't remember her name, haha.They should hold more parties like these. More pictures up at Nik's Gallery.
Replies: 4 comments
grrr.... orgasmic...
Posted by kev @ 06/21/2004 04:02 PM GMT
Whoa that looks like an awesome party. Lovely pics :) and that roof/night pic looks awesome as well.
Posted by Kenneth @ 06/22/2004 10:41 PM GMT
Absolutely gobsmakked u! ;)
Posted by hsin @ 06/23/2004 12:30 AM GMT
I left early so farking hot and tired.... and forgot all about taking pics with you hehehe
Posted by Skywalker @ 06/26/2004 10:37 AM GMT
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