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06/23/2004 Entry: "Morning buzzes"

Morning buzzes

Upon looking at the colour of my regular morning ice shaken doubleshot caramel coffee, I had the sneaking suspicion that the nice girl at Starbucks spiked my beverage. She usually greets me in the mornings with a 'How are you today?' and a wide, friendly smile and today my reply was 'Very sleepy!' This morning, she was smiling much more than usual. It wasn't until 10 minutes after I finished my drink that I found out why.

Ladies and gentlemen, beware.. Miss Stephanie had three espresso shots this morning.

Replies: 3 comments

i love espressos, but they make me nauseous... rah rah.

Posted by kev @ 06/23/2004 05:14 PM GMT


That's a lot of caffeine. Did you get buzzed after that ?

Posted by mac @ 06/23/2004 07:50 PM GMT

woohoo 3 shots...the double shots will keep you awake for the entire day man

Posted by snooki @ 06/24/2004 11:38 AM GMT

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