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07/07/2024 Entry: "Pink"
Some pictures I wanted to post over the weekend, where we celebrated Lynn's all-round fabulousness and not the fact that she's leaving us to paint Melbourne red. Or pink.  Evon, Lynn, Gwen & Steph. Note the giant Chupa-Chup hiding in the corner.
 Jimmy, Eleana, Stephanie & GwenI'm half-baked, sitting here, and adding a million things to my shopping bag at Victoria's Secret Online. Am a little miffed about the fact that the online sale ended yesterday at about 5pm, and I had two things I meant to buy but I was too busy and now it's back to full price. Bah. Shopping online is good because it satisfies my urge to shop and I hardly hit the 'checkout' button so I don't actually buy much. It's lunch hour but Nik's out today and I don't feel like food after that bout of mouse-clicking excitement. Feeling quite edgy and neurotic lately.
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