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07/08/2024 Entry: "Unexpected dog poo"
 Unexpected dog poo
Samantha Jones on ex sex, 'If it's good you don't have it anymore and if it's bad, you just had sex with the ex'. I wonder what she'd have said about dinners. Yesterday evening I found myself in an L-shaped limbo, Boyfriend on one side, Ex in front. Our dinner threesome was far from awkward, however. Of course I had a great time. But I didn't expect the two to get on like a house on fire. Throw in a pinch of mutual Formula One interest and wham! It instantly fueled non-stop dinner talk about drivers, Formula One history and (would you believe it) tyre wars. It has to be ironic that I felt left out from the conversation (too technical for a blonde like me), but it was good to take to the backseat for once. I adore them both. It wouldn't have been too different if the roles were reversed. I would've gone on forever about MAC Cosmetics, shoes, and global shopping with his Ex, if she exhibited interest in either. Boys have sport, and we have shoes. It's generally a safe area, I guess. I'd also sneakily have sprinkled some 'what was he like before' questions into the conversation. Unfortunately though, I have met the Ex and she's no shoe aficionado. In fact, we didn't even get that far. I wrote her off when she brashly dismissed me in greeting (ooh.. grr!), with the same disdain you'd procure stepping into a pile of shit. Hey, but she did smile. In the same way you'd smile at the bitch who snared the last pair of mary janes in your size at a Manolo sale. Fifty bucks says we won't be talking shop over dinner. It's nice to part on mature amicable terms, but that's not how it happens all the time. Once before, my parting shot was a an actual shot (hahaha), but now I find that a combination of channelled hate, black magic and voodoo works way better. Only kidding.
Replies: 3 comments
Hi Steph! Jase here... just stumbled upon your blog... it's very.. err.. pink... haha ;) Intriguing blog... I'll be sure to drop by again. Meanwhile, I've linked you up on my blog! Cheers! :) Jase
for some reason i like this post of yours a lot. it could totally be a SATC episode.
Posted by angeline @ 07/08/2024 09:08 PM GMT
lol angeline.. maybe i have been watching too much tv ;)
Posted by fuzzy @ 07/09/2024 03:37 PM GMT
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