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07/15/2004 Entry: "Shut yer gob!"
 Shut yer gob!
I have been tempted to disable comments a few times now, but I never went through with it. Mainly because it's amazing to see what happens when, for example, I post a picture of three gorgeous girls. Half the comments are negative. The fact that this is almost like reverse penis envy tickles me no end. I think my research about people with small penises may just be about done. Why should my comments section be an outlet for your deficiencies? The only thing that stops me from disabling comments are the great people I've directly or indirectly met as a result of their feedback. :)
Replies: 1 Comment
back to the pic. yowza! would hit. gorgeous.
Posted by lamarr @ 07/15/2004 09:26 PM GMT
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