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07/22/2004 Entry: "Don't mind if I do, don't mind if I don't"

Don't mind if I do, don't mind if I don't

I have predictably copped out of a trip to the party zoo, and a colleague's birthday (which I didn't mention before because I only found out after the last post), pleading guilty of general fatigue and lack of all-round party mood. Don't mind if I don't.

Nik has unpredictably managed to drag his ass off his couch, trading precious sleep time for loud music (which he doesn't like), pleading guilty of needing to 'show-face' and wish our colleague a Happy Birthday. Don't mind if I do.

I think I'm only slightly miffed because I can't get my sorry ass off my couch and have to miss DJ Whoo-Kid on the decks and someone who doesn't even like his music manages to get his ass off his couch and turn up all decked.

Oh, the irony.

In lieu of reading yet another draggy, predictable contemporary, I've decided to kill boredom by emptying the contents of the blackhole that is my handbag because it is desperately in need of a clean out. In it, I find:

An unopened pack of Wrigley's Extra
MAC Lip Conditioner
A spare (but empty) phone battery pack
Clean & Clear Oil Control Film, also unopened
An empty, mini MAC plastic container
A long-acting inhaler
MAC Studio Fix, NC30
MAC Tinted Lip Conditioner, Petting Pink
4 assorted lighters
A Canon SD-10 digicam
Receipt for dad's shirts
Bottle of vitamin E hand lotion
Visine eyedrops
A blue permanent marker
Green Room Festival media pass
Receipt for Kenny Rogers Roasters
4 receipts for Starbucks (morning staple)
A sanitary pad
Taxi 3 (Luc Besson) Bootleg DVD (!!!)
SGD $18.00
AUD $0.20 (Hmm..)
RM $96.47
Ghetto Heaven Flyer (pfft!)
A black, plastic heart-shaped bangle
Passion frequency card
Starbucks loyalty card
Beerenberg Strawberry Jam, 14g
2 sets of keys
A red hair shark
MPH Quill magazine
A midnight blue mini Maglite
My cardholder
My wallet
A pack of Marlboro Lights
Office security tag..
and an ATM card that doesn't belong to me!
(And people wonder why it takes me forever to find anything in there.)

The Maybank ATM card belongs to a woman who was using the ATM in front of me when I was queuing up to take our some money after work. When she left, I was still fumbling around my bag looking for my card. When I looked up at the screen, it said:

"Would you like to make another transaction? Yes/No."

It didn't register for a second. I turned around, a little confused, but she already disappeared into the crowd. I hit yes, balance inquiry, and waited.

"Your account balance is RM 3280.00. Would you like to make a withdrawal? Yes/No."

Holy shit! 3 grand?! Gasp, don't mind if I do...!

Of course I didn't. I wistfully hit Cancel and sighed as I saw the limited edition pair of Manolo Blahniks I was bidding on ebay on fade away...

After I finished emptying my own bank account (sigh), I turned around and told Nik about it. We tried to look for her, but she didn't come back and I had no idea what she looked like except that she was indian, had curly hair and a black top on. We decided I should return the card to the bank in the morning.

Man, that could've been a new pair of Manolos! But, cheesy as it sounds, the 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' line always pops into my head on cue and autopilots my conscience. I do suppose good karma would be more gainful in the long run than a pair of shoes.. haha.

I'm going to spend the rest of my night in bed. Good night!

Replies: 13 comments

All that stuff in your handbag? I think you never clean your suitcase out because you have no space in your house to order the items.

Posted by gerardo @ 07/23/2004 02:12 AM GMT

damn. u stupid or what? RM3280 u just hit cancel?

Posted by bitch @ 07/23/2004 05:50 AM GMT

gerardo, damn right. now if only i can find a way to put the kitchen sink in my suitcase. haha.

bithc, uh huh. fyi, it's not called stupidity.. in fact, if you were to take out the money you *would* be stupid. there are things called hidden security cameras, among other things. like, what if she turned back? :) nah, it's always better to be honest abt things like this. i don't suppose you'd understand. anyway, it's not that huge an amount to take that kinda risk you're talking about. haha.

Posted by fuzzy @ 07/23/2004 09:44 AM GMT

ur hving a bag pack or wat? but ur a MAC freak eh?.. ;-) abt the "free" cash... u fergot to finish the paragraph with "dont mind if i dont" cos really, bad karma is gonna come upon u if u did punch for the big bucks! easy money aint a kewl chick style! rite? ;-)

Posted by cheryl @ 07/23/2004 10:30 AM GMT

cheryl hehehehe its a normal sized handbag obviously bulging to the point of bursting. :)

easy money aing a kewl chick style.. i like that line!

Posted by fuzzy @ 07/23/2004 11:19 AM GMT

it's just weird how people can forget to take back their atm cards... and steph, i would really get lost in your handbag...

Posted by kev @ 07/23/2004 12:23 PM GMT

i have been known to lose my boyfriends in there on rare occasions.. ;D

Posted by fuzzy @ 07/23/2004 06:03 PM GMT

lol hand bag???!!! what hand bag steph babe you got a hikers back pack!!!

Posted by kayz @ 07/23/2004 10:28 PM GMT

well, since she forgot her ATM card, any discrepencies would be noticed immedietly and probably reported. however, banks are not in the habit of reviewing CCTV footage just coz a customer said so, especially for "small" amounts like these. the woman would have to appeal and it would take god knows when to dig out that day's archive and view it to find...some girl withdrawing the rest of the money and leaving the card untouched (the video is synchonized with input, so they'll know).
the banks would not plaster your face up in their outlets or anything like that, not for this amount of money, they'll probably just ask the woman to lodge her own police report, no follow ups on their side, and the inane (to the police) police report, in all likelyhood will be chucked into a filing cabinet and forgotten.
just a blurry face on a ccd camera, you could get away with it, so long as you don't do anything funny like put in your own card after that. but you didn't. :)

Posted by killuminati @ 07/24/2004 01:48 AM GMT

poor nik...

Posted by kev @ 07/24/2004 05:23 PM GMT

Kev: u cannot imagine being sandwiched between the pad and the hair shark!

Posted by Nik @ 07/24/2004 07:48 PM GMT

Throw in a couple of condoms in there fuzz, practice safe sex.
Hmmm, maybe you got some used ones there you forgot to mention?

Posted by Friendly Doctor @ 07/26/2004 01:34 AM GMT

Marlboro Lights are nice. I smoke those.

Posted by mac @ 07/26/2004 02:50 AM GMT

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