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08/05/2024 Entry: "Again, again, and yet again..."

Again, again, and yet again...

I saw a link for an article called '7 reasons why men cheat' on my Hotmail Today page, like, today. Couldn't resist seeing what they had to say, after being cheated on before. I mean, I must've heard every reason in the book before, no? So I click on it, of course.

Surprise, surprise. It's the same old shit -- fear of commitment, thrills, not being fulfilled, sabotage, revenge, because you let him, emotional escape -- repeated in every other article about men cheating.

Let me tell you about one thing that's not there, however.

He doesn't know what he wants.

So Bronson cheated on me with Joy Ding, a girl he knew practically from his childhood. First, it was only 'one night'. And then it became more than that (because he got away with it the first time, see? I mean, he even told her he had a girlfriend and she didn't mind at all) Then he met Audrey, a Miss Malaysia contestant. I don't have anything to say about her except when comparing both, I know which one I'd pick, too. So this is where I find out, he confesses and everything ends and him and Audrey live happily ever after in New Zealand.

Oh, but.

Sometime after the little tiff in the club where I lose my temper and then later reconciliated our 'friendship', say, a month or so down the line.. he turned up at my farewell/birthday party. Alone. Drunk, after a drinking session in a club nearby, in fact so drunk, we had to hide his car keys. And in, apparently, a new relationship with new girlfriend who was not in tow. I say apparently because at the moment, I think he forgot he had a relationship. Hey, I'm gonna leave it to you to figure out what happened, but when I got some pictures from a friend after the party, I knew letting go was probably the only smart thing I've done with him. I even spoke to him once, later, and he told me she dumped him. Knowing him, that probably wasn't true. I can't even begin to understand why he thought I needed to know something like that. I sure hope he finally knows what he wants.

I meant to post some pictures from my trip, but I'll leave that for tomorrow.

Replies: 9 comments

Agree with you that there are people who don't know what they want. And I think because of that, they have an issue with commitment. Simply said, they don't want what to commit to.

Hope that he'll look within him to learn from his mistakes. Otherwise, similar events will occur until he finally gets it!

Posted by Danny @ 08/05/2024 08:46 AM GMT

Dear Stephanie,

I sincerely have enjoyed your blog for a long time now. But your revelations make it seem that you are still bitter and hurt. I am sorry that you still feel like that, I don't blame you BUT don't forget when people are confused or have been hurt they do stupid things and you have to admit that you have done and said alot of stupid things during your time with Bronson`. I am bias for I love him. I know what he did was wrong, what i did was wrong. But face it you lose him. And i am sorry. I truly am.
For hate mails and such I already posted my email in this link.

-Aloha from Stephanie's ex *so called bastard of a boyfriend* girlfriend.-Audrey Chong

Posted by Desiree @ 08/05/2024 09:05 AM GMT


you shouldn't really believe everything you hear. not from me, not from him and surely not from a third party. because sometimes you really want to believe that is the reality; and funnily enough that becomes the reality at the end of the day.

about being bitter, you're right. to this day i carry alot of resent - for myself. for being stupid enough to trust him, for believing everything he said; blindly.. the list goes on - but i'm not hurt. ad a little self-hate never does much harm. :)

as for you, i've known about you for some time. actually, since you last emailed me signing off as desiree. doesn't take much to put two and two together, but thanks for the email. i dont believe i replied it, as you said not to.

Posted by fuzzy @ 08/05/2024 09:45 AM GMT

biggest mistake steph. nvr mention an "ex" on a blog or anywhere accessable by ur current bf. while that, u also left space for the ignorant "Current gf of ur ex" to mark u as weak. u may not be weak. u were just ranting the suckiest thing but rule no. 1 to be a kewl chick, do not suck up to ur "ex" stories, plus its not like u still adore him neways. As for desiree, rule no. 2 to be a kewl chick, do not fight against ur bf's ex. it onli shows that ur insecure and that ur a wuss...mayb u shud sign up for kamasutra class instead of picking on people like tat... so, good for u that bronson is all urs to keep...i dun knw why i even type this, i just felt like putting some words down.. such interesting issue. cheers

Posted by cheryl @ 08/05/2024 10:33 AM GMT


i wonder how good are you feeling for being a b***h and shamelessly telling step off in her weblog. you should be shameful of your action!

steph: congratulations that you have dumped a loser..

Posted by josie @ 08/05/2024 03:23 PM GMT

hey steph, how about #11?

Men are STOOPID.

Posted by justine @ 08/05/2024 04:08 PM GMT

hey ya desiree,

whats up dawg?!?! whats your motif on your silly comment there? r u trying to make as if ur so darn good?!?! wait till charly brony dumps u... and we shall see dear... hahahhaha!?!?!

Posted by halcyon @ 08/05/2024 06:10 PM GMT

Let's just double check on Desiree.First she nicked the arsehole from u and saved you from love life catastrophe... can't say that's stupid... then here in your blog, she cannot even put a proper link to her own email...
darn confirmed she's a birdbrain. As for you, thank GOD ur safe now

Posted by prissy @ 08/05/2024 06:13 PM GMT

cheryl, all those things are not important anymore.


because it's in the past, doesn't mean i can't discuss it. but it also doesn't mean i live in the past, because the past was a long time ago. lets not flame desiree for leaving her thoughts.

Posted by fuzzy @ 08/05/2024 06:41 PM GMT

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