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08/13/2004 Entry: "Fabulous-ness"
The fabulous thing about being back in the office is that I am finally able to come online. Being stuck in a small room with absolutely no internet connection except my GPRS phone (which, FYI, has never worked) for two days is my equivalent of chinese water torture.. whatever that may be. Haha. The bad thing is the work sitting on the back burner.. holy shit. Looks like I will have to work late again... You guys should check out Liquid/The Disco's Fabulous Disco Show happening on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I went with Nik last night and it had us spiltting our sides laughing. The cast was from Boom Boom Room back in the day.. some of you may remember them. Nice change from the usual loud clubbing environment, and the acts always change so I'll be going back for more. Good stuff!
Replies: 8 comments
oi. you should call me the next time you go for it! i wanna check it out too. no kaki la...
Posted by kev @ 08/13/2004 05:23 PM GMT
ons... kakakaka..
Posted by fuzzy @ 08/13/2004 06:48 PM GMT
funny. ons also stands for one night stand. kakakakakakaka...
Posted by kev @ 08/13/2004 07:22 PM GMT
now i know why u wanna go there hahahahha
Posted by fuzzy @ 08/13/2004 08:16 PM GMT
hmm does this mean that u were probably Underaged when u started going to Boom boom?
Posted by theroom @ 08/13/2004 09:02 PM GMT
poor nik...i bet he had a hard time trying to get his eyes off guys kissing each other and dancing like sotongs. hek hek
Posted by xes @ 08/13/2004 11:53 PM GMT
theroom; yes. shamefully so. xes: ahahahahahhaah
Posted by fuzzy @ 08/14/2004 08:48 PM GMT
xes is just jealous steph. he secretly wants to shuffle his sotongs my way all the time. kakaka.
Posted by kev @ 08/15/2004 04:28 PM GMT
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