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08/16/2004 Entry: "The fourth state of matter"
 The fourth state of matter
I sometimes feel the pressure to write something, anything at all, so that there is always something new on my blog. I succumb to the lesser of words just to look at the bigger pictures.. not always quite hitting either. Maybe it's time to pack up and go home now, as this has been staring at me since 9am. Someone commented that I refrain from writing about certain things on my blog because it is 'well read' by my friends. Just so you know, you're absolutely right. When challenged with putting words on paper (well, screen) that has to sound diplomatic to multiple parties, some amicable and some not, most of the time I can't be bothered in trying to even start thinking about wording it. Also, of late, my mind has been a single repeating track.. Work - remixed. Not of any interest to you, I'm sure. Unless you're a uber cool print designer looking for new opportunites.. in which case, leave a contact so I may tell you more. Hugs, S.
Replies: 2 comments
take a moment, listen to your heart, what does it love?
Posted by jess @ 08/16/2004 10:55 PM GMT
oh i am very uber and i'm a designer as well. so tell me your ebay secrets haha! :D you still owe me lunch babes.
Posted by kev @ 08/19/2004 07:17 PM GMT
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