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08/23/2004 Entry: "On dinner, dessert, and shameless donations"

On dinner, dessert, and shameless donations

Haven't been partying at all lately, hence the lack of posts. But me, Nik, Justin, Gwen and Julian did make a trip out for dinner together, using Justin's belated birthday and Gwen's pending departure for the more happening side of UK as our excuse.

So we found ourselves battling city traffic on Friday night to wine and dine at the new italian chow, Nerovivo. When we got there, it seemed like anyone without a datukship and below 40 looked out of place. Anyone meaning us. But we weren't fazed. After debating the menu for 20 minutes whilst waiting for Justin to turn up (he is ALWAYS late, even for his own belated birthday dinner) I decided on the Argentinean beef.. medium rare, of course.

However, it took 67 minutes for dinner to get to our table via several impatient 'excuse-me-where-is-my-dinners' directed at first at the waitresses, then at the important-looking manager who finally promised me 'in 20 seconds!' but took 2 minutes instead. We were starving by 10:15 pm, some having come straight from work into town and was seriously debating walking out.

When it finally arrived, it was obvious Gwen's 'recommended' marlin main wasn't recommended by someone who actually tried it before, and as for the rest of our mains, we were too hungry to appreciate how it tasted.

All in all, a not very happy experience, and this is how Nerovivo found its way to my 'banned' restaurants list for bad service.

Jules suggested dessert at Bijan next door, his shout. Ooh.

We promptly ordered every ice cream flavour on the menu (there was only four - corn, pandan chendol, pandan and durian). The shocker of the night was the durian ice cream. It was fucking good. Too bad for Justin who ordered it, everyone took a share and it was soon gone. I thought the pandan was well done as well, Jules loved the corn and Nik loved his pandan chendol. Definitely a recommended after dinner place. I have yet to try Bijan's menu, but it looks very promising.

On another, less promising, note - Google's Adsense is not generating enough moolah even with my own frantic clicking, amounting to $0.11/day, to help me pay my webhosting fees at the end of this year, thus I have added a Paypal button in a desperate, shameless attempt at swindling some money out of you wonderfully patient readers (and to try to avoid having to shut down my site eventually). Pay no attention to it, unless you feel like throwing some my way.

Replies: 8 comments

ahhaha shame on you for trying to swindle cash outta poor little people like me. :P how much does your hosting cost a year anyway? There's tons of cheaper hosting around these days. www.fivio.com or www.exabytes.com.my

Posted by LoafeR @ 08/24/2004 12:34 PM GMT

loafy, me with nerraw at approx 600/yr. bah. they're reliable, which is why me gonna stick with them.

Posted by fuzzy @ 08/24/2004 01:49 PM GMT

any luck with the donations? my extra moolah would go to animals/people in need. maybe you should have had second thoughts of your (unnecessary) purchases from frederick's if your website is so important.

Posted by marge @ 08/25/2004 01:26 PM GMT

i'm sure your goodself spends every penny so wisely that you use muslin cloths during that time of the month, and skimp on presents by giving your friends recycled gifts instead.. just to give poor animals and people your extra moolah. very honourable indeed, marge, much respect to people like you who seem to make this world go round a little smoother. in which case, it wouldn't be good for me to take your money anyway, so don't feel obliged to offer (wouldn't want to deprive those other people with real needs). Off ya go. And thanks.

Posted by fuzzy @ 08/25/2004 01:42 PM GMT

all i can say is that you've jumped the bandwagon with your comments about me. but i'm pretty sure you'll get some $$$ from some of your loyal fans that can't take it when someone has nothing nice to say to/about you. let's see if you can part them from their hard- earned cash. good luck fuzzy.

Posted by marge @ 08/25/2004 03:00 PM GMT

what bandwagon? why was i not informed? uh oh. fark.

hang on, so you can make snide comments about me and i can't do the same?

you don't even know me (and vice versa) so if you're allowed to make judgements, so am i. right now, i'm thinking you're a prissy little lady who's lead too much a sheltered life and absolutely hate me for being such a sarcastic, bitchy.. well, *****. haha. why do you come back? to put me down more? joy.


thanks for the well wishes, btw.

Posted by fuzzy @ 08/25/2004 03:20 PM GMT

fyi i've never said you are sarcarstic, bitchy *. it's just sick to ask for donation when you do publicly announce how much you've spent on your dresses and where you've dine. are you in serious need of donation? really?comon', maybe your bf can help you out if he has been pickin up your bills. yes, i don't know you well enough but enough to know you're asking too much. that's all fuzz.

Posted by marge @ 08/26/2004 09:39 AM GMT

like i said, pay no attention to it "UNLESS..."

you're entitled to your own opinions for sure, but for someone who visits my site regularly and posts comments under different names all the time that are ALWAYS implying i'm an ass, you really can't expect me to take you seriously. next time, leave a working email address.

Posted by fuzzy @ 08/26/2004 09:53 AM GMT

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