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08/30/2004 Entry: "'Chee-naaar-tah-un'"
Do people create stereotypes based on observation of a large number of people bearing the same characteristics, or did they start as exaggerated depictions of said flock which eventually became a reality? I lost myself at the tourist markets today, falling in love all over again with the anonymity of being foreign in my own city. The beautiful local handicrafts diverted my every step, and the rich tapestry of colours painted my imagination in mischievious hues. Oh, the possibilities of the afternoon! I would go 'inspiration shopping', I decided, finding new and exciting things were just up my alley. My thoughts were interrupted by two men, foreigners, who were looking for "chee-naaar-tah-un". It took me a while to translate that they meant 'Chinatown', and were stretching each syllable into unrecognisable phonetics because they thought I didn't speak english. They were Brits, it appeared, and I replied in equalled exaggeration, giving directions in horribly broken english. They said thank you, nodding their heads smiling. I winked as I said 'You're absolutely welcome!' with a perfect British accent, and skipped away into the sea of possibilities.
Replies: 9 comments
You are evil. Did you catch the look on their faces ?
Posted by mac @ 08/30/2004 08:41 PM GMT
ehheheheheheh course i did. im so bad. argh.
Posted by fuzzy @ 08/31/2004 12:46 AM GMT
ahh the wonderfulness of malaysians. heh.
Posted by kev @ 08/31/2004 02:30 PM GMT
GDAY MATE! HOWSIT GOIN MATE? How ya travelling cobber? I'm on me own pat malone here feeling really bored. Bout to do a spot of excercise trotting up and down the apples and pears, but the missus hollered on the dog and bone. Seems she's gone to town on me with the old plastic and blew the donkey open. Anyway. I've been told that there is a high possibility I'll be back to do what I do for a crust in Kl pretty shortly...which would mean that the missus will have to tag alone for the ride. As long as you're able to take her out shopping, then bob's my uncle and we're sorted. Ta anyway.
Posted by roy ho @ 09/01/2024 01:10 PM GMT
LOL girl you crack me up. Oh what I would give to be there to see this.... naughty naughty fuzzy.
Posted by Angeline @ 09/01/2024 07:59 PM GMT
royo - sure, we can go to town together with your old plastic and blow more donkeys open.. HAHA.. :) kidding. why not, it's always fun when you're around. be seein' ol dan in a month or so. u want anything from him? i can bring it back. ;)
Posted by fuzzy @ 09/03/2024 10:54 AM GMT
fuzzbucket. when are you going to beijing? can you call beng khoon while you are there and tell him to write out a strategic walktthough on how to fucking win in Civ 3 Deity status playin Egyptians? And tell dan he looks gay.
Posted by royho @ 09/03/2024 11:42 AM GMT
royo in a month or so. u call beng khoon lar, why do i have to call him. bet he doesnt know who i am. egyptians is gay.
Posted by fuzzy @ 09/03/2024 01:33 PM GMT
you're mad. Egyptians rock. Pottery man Pottery rocks.
Posted by roy ho @ 09/07/2024 09:23 AM GMT
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