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09/06/2024 Entry: "I'd like fries with that"
 I'd like fries with that
Right before lunch, I could've sworn I was hallucinating. My temples were throbbing right before the screen turned white and nothing made sense.. IT HURT!! And for a split second I felt like I was going to faint. And it's not from lack of food either. The doctor (I managed to make it to the clinic at the mall with Nik's help) told me it was migraine. One large fries and two Ponstans later and everything was back to normal. I shoved my half-day medical leave cert at my boss, who took a cursory glance at it and said "What do you want me to do with it?" I shrugged. "Keep it for when you want a day off and change the dates!" Too bad my boss knows I know he's only kidding.
Replies: 8 comments
you still diabloing
Posted by roy ho @ 09/07/2024 09:45 AM GMT
why do u ask
Posted by fuzz @ 09/07/2024 12:46 PM GMT
hahaha... ekeke
Posted by kev @ 09/07/2024 02:46 PM GMT
because i'm on battlenet now.
Posted by Roy @ 09/09/2024 10:40 AM GMT
roy darling, there's this thing called WORK for people like me.. pfft
Posted by fuzzy @ 09/09/2024 07:06 PM GMT
1.10 sux0r...had so much fun in 1.09. botting and shit. and then 1.10 came along and screwed everything up. i'd prefer having everything handed to me on a silver platter thanks :) hehehe.
Posted by LoafeR @ 09/12/2023 03:56 AM GMT
aijoh.. ehehe..
Posted by fuzzy @ 09/12/2023 11:28 PM GMT
I meant after work u dingbat.
Posted by Roy @ 09/14/2004 12:28 PM GMT
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