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09/17/2004 Entry: "And then there was"

And then there was

I'd like to thank everyone for the well wishes and some for the generous offers to donate blood. My dad is doing well, and hopefully he will be out of the hospital next week.

In the meantime, life goes on.. work is still killing me. I was just thinking about what I'd be saying to my next potential employers -- I love my job and my colleagues but working on 5 magazines a month is just too much to handle? I can't focus on any one product because I lack time, so I want to work for just one magazine? I wish. Not that I'm thinking of leaving this job. It has its pros.

Checked out Zion-I at Zouk last night (Salem Innovation Sessions). My heart's just not in partying anymore these days.. mainly because there is so much else going on in my life and I'd rather get sleep at night. I left straight after the sessions, before Ghetto Heaven started. It's good, however, to note that the hip hop culture in Malaysia is very much alive and kicking.

Kudos to Sphere Mag for the xoxoxo :) If you haven't seen it already, check it out, it's a pretty cool mag. Also:
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This is a Magazine

Feel free to post any links to cool online mags that you may have come across!

Replies: 2 comments

how come u guys are working for Other magz? - you're in a local magazine co. aren't u?

Posted by eh? @ 09/17/2004 09:11 PM GMT

not entirely local, we have licensed mags as well

Posted by fuzzy @ 09/18/2004 12:53 AM GMT

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