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09/29/2004 Entry: "Bread and Butter"
 Bread and Butter
I am starting to lose interest in work. Not as a concept on a whole but specifically what I am doing. If anything I'd be the one person who takes pride in the final results of my work but with the shitload of responsibility and work I am being handed, it's fucking impossible to live up to my own standards. And I hate it. It's not even a reasonable amount of work for what I'm getting paid. Am starting to wonder if this is the reason you're all cynics. And why no one ever works for Passion, because Passion is fun but at the end of the day it doesn't pay bills.
Right this second it feels like someone just gave me a wakeup call... welcome to the working world.
Replies: 5 comments
oh how true. passion is a drive, ain't a money matter. there's a way out. switch? ;)
i am stuck here cos i dont have anything new. i am a slob working here. little work, just enough money to survive. could be a good thing perhaps. but hell i am in a routine here. fucks.
i need to shake things up. otherwise i'll rot.
Posted by kev @ 09/29/2004 05:08 PM GMT
Agree with kev that passion is a drive, and to me, $$$ is a reflection how strong my drive is (it helps if your boss notices your passion too).
It can be boring doing routine jobs. Is it possible to set timeframe to get those routine done within lesser and lesser time? You can play a game with yourself. By definition of a routine, human would perform better if they'll practise on it.
Btw, $$$ comes with more responsibility and workload. You sure you want it? Or would it be better if you can be satisfied with what you are earning now?
Posted by danny @ 09/30/2004 09:13 AM GMT
not to worry.
you'll get use to this "concept".
"accumulate" the required experience, "adapt" to your enviroment and when the time comes - you'll know when is the time to explore elsewhere.
Posted by potatoe @ 09/30/2004 08:35 PM GMT
Most of us won't reach our ideal goal till we are jaded and cynical. It how the majority lives/.
Posted by CHris @ 10/01/2024 04:13 PM GMT
danny, point taken. but i have yet to really decide what i want from 'life' :)
pots, still accumulatin!
chris, and by then the ideals would have changed :P
Posted by fuzzy @ 10/01/2024 05:03 PM GMT
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