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10/29/2004 Entry: "Causeway craze"
 Causeway craze
I am a little displaced -- I'm in a different metropolis again and my pattern recognition database is out of whack. Rising above the sea of semi-familiar Asian cityscape are three things that strike my irony: the Golden Arches, Starbucks and MNG; two of which I shamelessly succumbed to in Beijing last week. There is more, but I am indifferent. It is amusing (to me) that no matter where I go I can actually depend on a few things that I will be familiar with, regardless of language. Visual communication speaks louder than words - a fundamental principle that I base alot of choices on.
Shit -- I am in a funny, funny mood and I feel like shopping.
Replies: 6 comments
Is this blog something that only women can understand? The more I try to understand, the more confused I get. Why don't you just post some pictures of hot chicks in Beijing for simple minds like me.
Posted by WTF @ 10/29/2004 04:45 PM GMT
hee hee. you know, there aren't many hot chicks in beijing. or hot guys for that matter. i suspect they've all moved to shanghai and hong kong -- that, or my eyes need checking.
and fyi, you're not a simple mind.
Posted by fuzzy @ 10/29/2004 06:15 PM GMT
Gibson reads like an absolute mindfuck, hehe. am covering pattern recognition for sci fi; should've stolen your copy :P
Posted by t @ 10/30/2004 02:16 AM GMT
yeah he is a bit of a mindfuck. was talking to bedrik about him, he liked that book too. want me to send mine over?
Posted by fuzzy @ 10/30/2004 11:37 PM GMT
nah, i'll just buy mine here. postage would probably add up to the same thing ;) thanks anyway *hug* Read 'Neuromancer' if you haven't already, the concept of the Matrix and AI is explored there. It's supposed to be a groundbreaking novel in terms of cyberpunk and techonology, published in '84.
...ah, the geek in me ;D
Posted by t @ 10/31/2004 01:53 AM GMT
hahha ok. yes i read about that in ur blog. might pick it up if i ever have time to breathe.
Posted by fuzzy @ 10/31/2004 01:57 AM GMT
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