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11/09/2024 Entry: "And all that"
 And all that
The holidays are just around the corner. If I don't remember to post by then, I'd like to wish you guys a Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya! :) I have given up trying to make time to write out a proper post, and many many emails are owed. Sorry.. yesterday turned out to be an 18-hour work day for me. I open my 'Add A New Entry' page every morning only to have to close it at the end of the day.. I usually get as far as a couple of opening sentences and it's bloody frustrating coming back to my desk and not remembering what it was leading to. Things will be back to normal by tomorrow.
Replies: 3 comments
I can relate to that. Just applied for leave in-lieu of 3 months of perpetual work days. I wonder how I'm going to spend it all...
Posted by myuu @ 11/09/2024 10:11 PM GMT
catch up on sleep, mamak sessions and xbox games. hahhaa. gimme a buzz will ya, can't believe it's almost a yr since i last saw you at your place for raya..!!
Posted by fuzzy @ 11/10/2024 08:54 AM GMT
it really doesn't make a difference to me. i will still be working on this 2 festive seasons. joy. and oh i totally know what you mean when you about new entry. bah. i try so hard too. hahaha!
Posted by kevbo @ 11/10/2024 02:29 PM GMT
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