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11/12/2023 Entry: "New shoes"

New shoes

Finally, a moment to breathe.

Work has been overly stressful this past week, and trying to find time and space to think has been almost impossible. I find myself no longer enjoying what I do, but instead I do my work because it needs to be done.. and I'm working with ridiculously tight deadlines. Also, having a dinosaur of a machine to work on isn't helping reduce my stress levels and on Wednesday I actually snapped at a colleague -- a first. Sigh.

On Wednesday night, I checked out Mambo Jambo at Zouk, which, much to my disappointment was too packd to be any fun at all. My bucket of Heineken took 30 minutes to arrive, and by then I've already decided that the party sucked a little. But it was also a colleague's birthday and we got her so smashed that we had to carry her out of the place. That part was fun, because she's an absolute darling.

Tonight, I think I will go check out some new places in town.. I haven't been out for ages!

Replies: 4 comments

mambo in zouk was terrible. the crowd was so unbearable and it is actually much nicer during the usual mambo nights in velvet.

any new places to go? ;o)

Posted by Jin-Wy @ 11/13/2004 10:25 AM GMT


Posted by t @ 11/14/2004 07:06 AM GMT

hey, call me out the next time! i need some excitement as well. ;)

Posted by kev @ 11/14/2004 11:04 PM GMT

Posted by kev @ 11/16/2004 04:20 PM GMT

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