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02/22/2005 Entry: "Things people say"
Things people say
Overheard in New York is my new blog stalk. Anonymously eavesdropping on strangers half way around the globe from my computer screen has a very strange appeal. If there were ever to be an 'Overheard in Kuala Lumpur', the site would be littered with lahs and lohs.. wouldn't that be wonderfully authentic? Work still sucks today, and I'm attributing it to PMS. It's not the work that sucks, I think it's my general mood (which is currently hovering just two inches above zero) that is providing me no motivation to move more than one finger at a time. I feel like screaming and whining and moaning about how the world sucks [the world sucks] and why [oh why oh why oh whyyyy] this princess needs to be here when the scorching weather outside is perfect to bum around at the beach somewhere further up the east coast and get a tan while sipping on caipirinhas and then I bite into a piece of chocolate and everything is OK again. I don't even mind that they have temporarily taken away my 22" flatscreen away and that after working on a 22" nothing ever looks the same again. Until the chocolate wears off. Then I start to get pissed off at the 14" because my windows keep disappearing into the sides because it's still on the 22" setting. I feel like a dissociative disorder patient.
Replies: 4 comments
gasp. a 22" monitor??? i never seen that enormous size monitor before! and ... my home tv is only 21"
Posted by evan @ 02/24/2005 06:30 PM GMT
yeah its a monster. i got it as a bribe i think ahhahaha but it belongs to the office
Posted by fuzzy @ 02/25/2005 10:44 AM GMT
lol... classic quotes! i like the camel toe one, haha.
Posted by myuu @ 02/25/2005 05:36 PM GMT
Ooh!! I love the overheard in new york one. That's so funky!! LOL and funny too! :D yes, it'd be nice to have an Overheard in Kuala Lumpur one.:) then if it gets huge, an overheard in Klang Valley could be derived:D
Posted by jayelle @ 02/27/2005 02:04 PM GMT
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