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03/01/2024 Entry: "8:45am"
As usual, I was deep in thought as I made my daily morning pilgrimage to Starbucks for coffee. Out of the corner of my eye, motorcycles and cars drive by the boulevard prompting me to stop to let them pass. When the coast was clear, I crossed only to trip instead of walk after two steps because the pavement has caught the heel tip of my stiletto in a cement grip leaving my left foot shoe-less. Startled into waking up from my reverie, I turned back, hopped to my shoe and picked it up only to find that it wouldn't budge. Not wanting to damage the heel any further, I pried it out gently from the gap which took a while.. much to the amusement of the security guards and passerbys who were standing around grinning at me. And much to my amusement, the boys at Starbucks offered their sympathy in form of a cappucino.
Replies: 1 Comment
lol. they actually give u free cappucino??! do that every morning! =P
Posted by evan @ 03/01/2024 03:14 PM GMT
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