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03/14/2005 Entry: "A matter of 747s"

A matter of 747s

I have just committed myself to a trip to Europe and Australia and possibly Taiwan. Much as I'd want to, New York is not in my books this year. I am simply not ready for the Big Apple just yet (sorry Pearly and Chris!) Also, my cousin in Australia just announced his wedding a week ago, and much as I'd love to trade Brisbane for New York I also can't afford it.. yet. Australia at its cheapest will still set me back about 3 grand. I wish travelling didn't cost so much (yet, ironically, the flight prices here are amongst the cheapest worldwide).

I need something to look forward to.

In the meantime, I am content scouring the internet for hotel deals in Europe for summer, particularly Amsterdam, and wondering if it really is as pretty as it looks.

Replies: 6 comments

It'll be great seeing you again Steph :)

Posted by Faith @ 03/14/2005 07:03 PM GMT

Can't wait! Have been talking to Jun about it on MSn. Lemme know when Justin confirms a date!

Coincidently my mate is having her wedding in NY around the same time.

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/15/2005 12:56 AM GMT

Hi steph ... ams's great, u'll love it there, which season u going though ? and where else in Eu are going ?

Posted by relina @ 03/19/2005 05:42 AM GMT

summer. and not sure yet. maybe belgium... not london/paris tho, already been there and not too keen to rush another trip there.

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/19/2005 03:36 PM GMT

Cool. Don't forget to drop by the 'Pink Elephant' in Ams. Prague's nice too .... I am excited for u already! Anyway, have a good trip. xoxo

Posted by relina @ 03/19/2005 06:12 PM GMT

thanks girl :) i'll see if i can make it to prague. always wanted to go there!

Posted by fuzzy @ 03/20/2005 11:54 PM GMT

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