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03/15/2005 Entry: "Thalatha"
Just for Potatoe - an old postbox from zaman dahulu taken in Kelantan last year with an ultra compact 4 MP digicam.
Replies: 6 comments
aww thank you. lovely photo - good angle, tightly cropped and nice d.o.f of the subject. an example of the saying, size does not matter, it's how you use it :)
Posted by potatoe @ 03/16/2005 10:36 PM GMT
whats a d.o.f. ? me newbie, but actually size matters. but maybe that applies for other things. mwahahha.
Posted by fuzzy @ 03/16/2005 10:46 PM GMT
d.o.f - depth of field - how "sharp" an area on the subject matter. example, the d.o.f area in this photo was on the days and collection times on the post box. in theory, the higher the d.o.f, the lower the aperture value. aperture is the size of a "hole" that let lights go through in a lens. the smaller the value the bigger the hole. LOL. f2.8 has a bigger hole than a value of f4.0 to get a "sharp" photo - the value is around f8.0-f11, provided if you have approriate lighting. hope this is not too confusing. one day i teach you how to convert b&w; from colour.
Posted by potatoe @ 03/21/2005 08:58 PM GMT
hmm ok. didnt know my ultracompact got such features one. ehhehe :) convert.. bring into photoshop and covert to grayscale? then adjust accordingly? no?
Posted by fuzzy @ 03/22/2005 12:05 AM GMT
whoa.. that's neat.. what's Sabtu and Ahad? Thabthu ... Ahhh
Posted by Ben @ 03/25/2005 06:32 AM GMT
LOL @ Ben!
Posted by fuzzy @ 03/27/2005 10:55 PM GMT
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