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03/29/2005 Entry: "Earthquake in KL?"
 Earthquake in KL?
Just 15 minutes ago, a magnitude 8.2 quake close to the spot that caused 2004's tsunami. Just in case you're wondering why you felt that tremor. It's just 330 miles from Kuala Lumpur. Oh God, not another one.
Replies: 3 comments
woah dat was quick...
Posted by arboon @ 03/29/2005 12:38 AM GMT
So glad you are ok...Bear
Posted by SongBear @ 03/29/2005 03:13 AM GMT
saw that on uk skynews last night. i was thinking 'not another one!'. this morning i heard from my sister that she felt the bed shaking at night and everyone living in the condo all ran out. that's scary.
Posted by mandy @ 03/29/2005 07:19 PM GMT
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