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05/30/2005 Entry: "From the Command Centre"

From the Command Centre

An email in my inbox about an upcoming meeting:

"Bring your artillery and bring your shields. I would like for everyone to let fly."

I love my boss some times. He is funny.

Ironically (points to post title), this hangs above my work space:

Replies: 4 comments

I take it instead of casual fridays your office will have camouflage fridays then?


Posted by tiger @ 05/31/2005 10:36 AM GMT

everyday is combat day!

Posted by fuzzy @ 06/01/2024 11:08 AM GMT

I guess there is no need for expensive MAC make up then. Just plain ol' mud and some black shoe polish will do. Heh!

Posted by Danny @ 06/01/2024 11:24 AM GMT

what are u talking about.. MAC does great camo colours...

Posted by fuzzy @ 06/01/2024 11:44 AM GMT

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