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07/14/2005 Entry: "Grr"


It is funny how things go back to normal so quickly and how fast you accustom yourself to your daily routines again after a break. It's almost like it never happened.. I want my money back (so I can go again). Ha!

Speaking of money, I just blew a grand on shopping over the weekend. After seeing prices in Euros for 9 days everything in Malaysia is suddenly so much cheaper. Looks like I need to get my fingers off eBay for a while.. do I sound like a repressed, frustrated shopaholic to you? I really am not.

Replies: 5 comments

Hey steph. Your photos are awesome and I had a blast in NZ. Such a beautiful country, can't stress enough on that. Almost out-of-this-world. Oh well. Back to normal life.

Posted by Mary @ 07/15/2005 07:49 AM GMT

mary, i'm so glad you enjoyed yourself! it's such a nice place to go to unwind :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 07/15/2005 12:45 PM GMT

u shud be grateful u get that "break-away"!!! i dun... geez!

Posted by cheryljohns @ 07/15/2005 04:53 PM GMT

ah. grateful i am not (since i have no one to be grateful to but myself for funding my own trip) but i am glad i went.

although "breaking-away" has amplified the frustrating situation i am otherwise in. which is not a good thing. sigh.

Posted by fuzzy @ 07/15/2005 07:39 PM GMT

the wonders of blog hoppin..neat..hope ull hv a awesome time unwindin..

Posted by pr1ncz @ 07/16/2005 01:59 PM GMT

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