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07/28/2005 Entry: "Your credit card number please"

Your credit card number please

I feel like a poster girl for online shopping. It's such a wonderful thing, this whole process. Only tonight, I actually have a real purpose.. yours truly has just bought her flight tickets to Brisbane. It's confirmed.. and I feel like jumping around screaming. I'd better remember to submit my leave application tomorrow though :P

I think this year is going to be a travel year for me. In spite of all the madness at work, I still have time to go around and if I'm to be honest, I think that's the one thing that is going to keep me sane for the rest of the year. It's exciting. I think. I'm not sure what to feel. My head is swimming in postscript data.

Replies: 3 comments

how i wish i have the money to travel!

Posted by kev @ 07/28/2005 10:08 AM GMT

hehe me too. i am actually still broke from amsterdam but this is a family thingie.. phew :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 07/28/2005 10:11 AM GMT

dammit can i be family? haha.

Posted by kev @ 07/29/2005 09:55 AM GMT

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