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07/29/2005 Entry: "My first Proton"

My first Proton

It seems like every time Proton comes up with a new car, it gets globally slammed. If there is one thing I don't like about this country, its the whole nonsense of a tax system that makes us one of the most expensive country to buy a car in (comparative to what we earn). A new shimmy little MINI only costs 26 grand if you live in the UK, and it costs something like 200 grand here and for 26 grand you can probably hook up with a second hand locally produced (read: crap) car. I can understand property prices but cars? WTF? And with all that, we still have traffic issues.

It's a pain because if you can afford to buy a car you probably have to. Public transport here is unreliable and cabs are unsafe. And during peak hour buses have been known to randomly miss a stop or two and cabs need to be bribed with a non-metered fare. What is the government doing about this? Nothing. Except maybe jack up the taxes a little more on imports.. which makes them unattainable for the average Joe.

It's a long painful process and Proton has had 20 years to come up with something substantial (being first national car and all) but I really can't understand what the fuck they have been doing for the past two decades.. apart from ripping off other cars. I drive a Proton myself (in other places it's called a Mitsubishi) because I can't afford anything else and I feel ripped off. Even if I am, against will, supporting the local trade.

Anyway, this is good for a giggle.

Replies: 6 comments

heh, i feel ya! My waja has given me nothing but problems since day 1 of purchase. It's not like I have a choice in buying the car but it's really the only car which i can afford and perhaps of better design and quality (so i thought!!) than the other models.

If only the public transportation here were as efficient as the ones in SG or Aust, I wouldn't be complaining! But we now have 3 trains which have no connection whatsoever and 90% of the routes are not even strategically placed!!

Posted by Jamie @ 07/29/2005 09:35 AM GMT

Yes! And it's not like I'm going out of my way to highlight the obvious or b*tch about something that my own country has produced.. I really would love to be proud of it but wtf..

And since you mentioned trains.. LRT stations are biased. The nearest one to me is in Bukit Jalil and it doesn't even go near my office.

Posted by fuzzy @ 07/29/2005 11:32 AM GMT

*Sigh* I want a Mini...:(

Posted by Shan @ 07/29/2005 01:49 PM GMT

Yeah, LRT stations are very biased (mostly located in kampung areas)!

One would have thought that LRT would first connect themselves to major tourist areas like Bintang walk (only accessible by monorail), Mid Valley (Komuter!) etc. Even a tiny island like SG can have such a modern and efficient transport system.

And "they" complain that the passenger numbers are low!

Posted by Jamie @ 07/29/2005 02:30 PM GMT

our rail system are poorly plan, sad to say due to those high up there makan duit....wtd, even China has better rail system than us, and our LRT or monorail are not that resonable price either!!!
Imagine i took the monorail from Lot10 to Times square (for the heck of it) and it actually cost me 90 cents per trip!

Posted by irenekay @ 07/30/2005 01:24 AM GMT

Our LRT stations are erected in whatever empty lands they can find! :P

Posted by Silly Wabbit @ 07/31/2005 11:48 PM GMT

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