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08/21/2005 Entry: "Julian's farewell"
 Julian's farewell
After a week of confirming dates, changing plans, cancelling and reinstating them over and over again we finally managed to hook everyone up on the same evening and have dinner with Julian. The original plan was that Doreen cooks dinner on Sunday but we ended up at Tarbush at the newly renovated Starhill Gallery Food Village tonight instead.. which is probably a good thing in retrospect :) Julian's moving on to greener pastures in Hong Kong and this is his last weekend here. We'll definitely be missing him, and when he leaves I will have one less food kaki to check out new restaurants with. Not to mention that I will also have one less RISK/Scrabble player to play with. But it does mean I have someone to visit in Hong Kong.. which is always a good excuse to travel! I'm well impressed with the new lower ground area at the Starhill Gallery, which is by far the nicest "food court" I've ever seen. Have definite plans to go back and check out the other places - anyone up for dinner? Some pictures from the night:  Dinner at Tarbush Julian stealing a kiss Justin licks the bush Mythai restaurant. Wonder if it's as good as it looks Village Bar. Of all the places I think I like this one the most for uniqueness. Drinks at W after - Steph, Justin, Nik, Doreen and JulianAm so glad the weekend is here. This week has been very taxing at work. I have enough work to keep me working through the weekend and still have an avalanche on Monday to deal with but I've decided I need my weekends to keep my sanity intact. Thus, I have limited the rest of weekend plans to Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Formula One and a lot of good food. Kimi is on pole! Whee!
Replies: 7 comments
is it cheap there? been meaning to dine there!
Posted by KinkyPugKevin @ 08/22/2005 09:25 AM GMT
not too expensive -- there are lots of places and some are more expensive than others
Posted by fuzzy @ 08/22/2005 09:28 AM GMT
ah cool... ok din din on Steph!!! :D yay!
Posted by kev @ 08/22/2005 12:44 PM GMT
Kimi won ! But Alonso got second !! GRRRR...too bad Montoya had a flat spotted tyre :(
Posted by LoafeR @ 08/22/2005 02:17 PM GMT
Montoya should've gotten 2nd.. bugger.. flat spotted tyre my arse :)
Posted by fuzzy @ 08/22/2005 02:25 PM GMT
*gasp* i see... my ex's brother..... small world 0_o
Posted by Joyce @ 08/24/2005 01:00 AM GMT
julian o? ehhehe. yeah kl is a small place :P
Posted by fuzzy @ 08/24/2005 12:05 PM GMT
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