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09/15/2005 Entry: "I do have limited vocabulary at times"

I do have limited vocabulary at times

Latecoming, but nevertheless here.

Dear J.

In the handful of times that we've shared much needed intelligent conversations/arguments/debates over coffee and cigarettes about just everything under the sun, you've imparted more sincerity and wisdom that any friend can hope for, and I can only hope you enjoy those times as much as I have.

I realise now that you were right all along, about so many things we've argued about, when two years ago I was adamant that your views were utterly ungrounded. I also realise that you let me go on living my own opinions because the day would come when I would experience all those things for myself and realise that you were right all along. And thanks for not being smart about it, because an 'I told you so' would've driven us into another heated debate.

I've realised that I've unknowingly put a few of your theories into practice. I don't know if it was because deep down inside, some part of me knows what is right and what is wrong and it struck a chord, or if your poetic choice of words delivered those phrases in a way that I could never forget them even if I wanted to and because of the truth they carry, I have listened and responded.. or if it was because some part of me trusted and believed you in a way good friends do. But they work, so I don't question why.

And it wasn't until our last conversation that I realised that I have never seen the kind of honesty that you've shown me. And even more surprising - me being uncharacteristically reckless with the walls I've built in your company.. and the hidden strength/courage that I'd found to make sure that I did what I came to do. I'd like to see more of that.

But nothing is perfect, and our friendship sure isn't. But you remind me often that relationships are often forged for all the wrong reasons and I want ours to be right.

Another time, we might've been in another place. So thanks for making me a better person for it.


Replies: 2 comments

That took some balls to do... random eprops.

Posted by Karma @ 09/15/2005 01:22 PM GMT

If I could be so lucky indeed to be J

Posted by Not J @ 09/16/2005 11:22 PM GMT

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