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10/11/2023 Entry: "Skywalker"
Mark called me on my way to work this morning to tell me that David passed away. By now I am sure most of his friends have heard the news also. I never really know what to say about news like this. I'm sad that it had to be him. The last I spoke to him, ironically, was on a World of Warcraft server comparing character skill sets and it seemed as if he was on the road to recovery then. I remember him being excited about getting a new monitor. He mentioned something about coming on WoW more often and levelling up together when he gets his own account. And I remember telling him that he has some catching up to do. So when I heard about his relapse on Friday it came as a complete surprise. I am, however, glad that his suffering has ended and that he is in God's hands now. He has been a great friend through the 9 years that I've known him. Its funny how you only dig up those great old memories when something tragic happens. If you would like to pay your respects to David there will be a funeral service on Thursday at 10am in the morning at the St Ignatius church just off LDP.
Replies: 3 comments
we all feel the same. memories of him since we first met on #Bangsar came rushing out at the wake. *sigh* he'll live in my memories as one of the most cool, pleasant, and approachable people ever.
Posted by myuu @ 10/12/2023 08:06 PM GMT
its funny how i met him online then had my last convo with him online also.. myuu.. ah, bangsar! :)
Posted by fuzzy @ 10/12/2023 09:57 PM GMT
Posted by KinkyPugKevin @ 10/13/2005 12:50 PM GMT
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