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10/14/2005 Entry: "A silent goodbye"

A silent goodbye

It seemed apt that it was a wet and gloomy morning in the Klang Valley. As I drove out in the cold and rain beneath the colourless sky and headed to the church for David's wake I realised when I looked around that all our lives have changed somehow, now that he is no longer with us. When he was, he has been that ray of sunshine we all bask in, his friendship and his sincerity has been such a positive element of our lives that all of us would be hard pressed to think of anything negative to say about David. It was hard not to cry for it is not everyday that God makes someone like him.

Replies: 5 comments

I'm very sorry for you loss.

Posted by mac @ 10/15/2005 07:32 PM GMT

isn't it interesting to know that, this is a lesson learnt not to go crazy with your alcohol.

Posted by anon @ 10/19/2005 12:18 PM GMT

dear anon

isn't it interesting to know that, people make assumptions all the time and the one you just made is so off the mark that it's funny, almost.

there's this thing called hepatitis. if you've heard of it in.


Posted by m @ 10/19/2005 04:30 PM GMT

sorry for ur loss. I'm sure he was a great guy, may the good times be in your memory

Posted by kayz @ 10/20/2005 04:12 AM GMT

my apology

Posted by anon @ 10/20/2005 01:49 PM GMT

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