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10/31/2005 Entry: "R-E-S-C-P-E-T"
The past few weeks have just been one great big whirlwind of a ride, taking me from one exhilarating peak to another and dipping beyond utter frustration at the lowest points. I feel like throwing in the towel, as I often do when faced with such idiotic tasks that I wouldn't even wish upon people I dislike (or maybe I would), because working with sucky people, well, sucks. (No, I haven't changed jobs or anything, the regular people I work with are cool) I'm starting to think that this must be some sort of strange karma reversal from when I was fifteen and used to play dumb in class because I detested one particular teacher. Then it got me thinking about respect. I had none for that teacher (I was convinced she didn't know what she was teaching and I today I still think I was a smartarse because I scored top marks without listening to her) and I have none for these guys I'm thrown into the deep end with. If that doesn't make me a cocky smartarse I don't know what will. At least I know what I'm doing. So the fact that fellow smartarse Tiff will be joining me on this mad ride is a great thing indeed. We have plans to take over the universe by outnumbering the dumbarses. Somehow. I'm rather relieved that there will be a slew of upcoming public holidays here (this week is a two-day week for most Malaysians) because I'm thisclose to the halfway mark with my WoW character and my Executive Director just bought the game and we're gonna help him level up. The game's really addictive and there's going to be an expansion soon where they're going to introduce a whole new race and I might be tempted to start another character. Hopefully it will be after I get my Rogue to 60 because then the level cap will be increased to 70. Cripes. So much for a social life.. no rest for the geeky I say.
Replies: 7 comments
I'm rerolling Blood Elf Priest. I love playing Priest. They look so much cooler than Undead.
Posted by Roy @ 10/31/2005 09:45 AM GMT
yah cant wait. see la this is all ur fault. kakakakka.
Posted by fuzzy @ 10/31/2005 12:13 PM GMT
ROFL i know how it is. my undead priest just hit the 51 mark and i can't stop playing either. But i have since have two alts exclusively for battlegrounds. This is way too addictive.
Posted by angeline @ 11/03/2024 12:06 AM GMT
ooh wot server
Posted by fuzzy @ 11/03/2024 05:06 AM GMT
Hey Fuzzy. Bee has two level 60s on Durotan. I've got a Rogue, A Priest and a Warlock on all different servers.
Posted by Matt @ 11/03/2024 06:40 AM GMT
anyone on tichondrius?
Posted by fuzzy @ 11/04/2024 06:10 AM GMT
mine's on dalaran...
Posted by angeline @ 11/04/2024 06:32 AM GMT
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