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11/15/2005 Entry: "de05"
Was in Singapore for a couple of days last week for the designEDGE conference. I usually go to these things with an open mind but press pass or not, I felt quite disappointed with the whole thing. It's not that the lineup isn't fantastic, and it's not that the setup wasn't great and it wasn't that the people weren't enthusiastic. Some of the speakers took for granted their God-like cult status and assumed the audience are already familiar with their work thus it became like a worship session.. one didn't even bother preparing any visuals, or saying anything before inviting the floor to throw questions at him. I was gutted :P Having said that however, there are some speakers who made the whole thing worth going to.. I loved Delta's stuff, and Rostarr's stop motion movie of his working process blew me away. Kostas Seremetis was also really interesting and UVA's light stuff is absolutely amazing. I didn't find the expo itself engaging in the least. The highlight of it was probably the fact that I was in Singapore for five days and did not shop, drink or party. But I did meet up with Barrie and Julian for dinner.. probably my two favourite people to meet up with when not in KL. Oh well, it's back to the grind, and dammit it's server maintenance day.. :P
Replies: 3 comments
>> dammit it's server maintenance day.. :P sucks to be on that site of the world ;) *hugs*
Posted by angeline @ 11/16/2005 06:02 AM GMT
Posted by fuzzy @ 11/16/2005 09:25 AM GMT
de05 was quite a waste of money
Posted by ling @ 11/25/2005 09:17 AM GMT
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