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11/18/2005 Entry: "A total 180"
A total 180
I've turned down a trip this coming weekend to Jakarta to attend the JUICE Indonesia launch party. There's a quiet buzz of excitement in the office as the rest of the troop leave tomorrow. It all sounds rather glam - we're being flown in for a night of inebriated fun with copious amounts of bubbly and all that kinda thing. Occasions like these almost always guarantee several unexplainable incidences of total memory loss, accidental scandals and in extreme cases.. missing clothing! I almost feel like changing my mind but dammit, I'm quite tired. So instead I settle (rather contentedly, I must add) for a weekend of catching up with the pile of books and journals I have amassed from my recent trips.. and about a million other things I said I'd do but I never had time for. It must be a sign of getting older, whatchamacallits, but that only happens to real people so maybe its not really age (I'll always be 21!) but rather a dip, like in one of those U graphs that my friend Tai so wonderfully illustrated once upon a time ago to cheer me up and real soon I'll be bouncing up again to reclaim my social life. Whatever. Have a good weekend y'all.
Replies: 9 comments
let me know if you ended up spending the entire weekend on wow instead.. LOL
Posted by angeline @ 11/19/2005 12:56 AM GMT
probably with her guardian angel priest/mage for turbo levelling.
Posted by roy @ 11/21/2005 05:45 AM GMT
ange.. HAHAHAHa.. i got from 36 to 40. roy.. nonsense. my guardian angel was present for all of 2mins ;p come back cuz i wanna so rfd run
Posted by fuzzy @ 11/21/2005 09:11 AM GMT
WOO HOOO! grats on DING, DING, DING, and DING. Ready to buy the mount?
Posted by angeline @ 11/23/2005 05:10 AM GMT
Thats the first thing I did.. HAHHAhaa... broke as hell now
Posted by fuzzy @ 11/23/2005 11:55 AM GMT
you have a horse now? Thats great. Now I'm the same speed as you!!! Well my priest is anyway. I've been on a non epic mount for like 8 monhts now.
Posted by Roy @ 11/25/2005 11:03 AM GMT
talk about being broke, i'm 1.5 bars away from 58 and have not enough gold to train ;( back to farming i guess... ;)
Posted by angeline @ 11/28/2005 01:49 AM GMT
i have a funky psychedelic raptor. hee hee. back to farming indeed.. im also broke after forking out an enormous amount for a blue dagger :P
Posted by fuzzy @ 11/28/2005 08:51 AM GMT
Hi, this is a great blog. Great topic also. keep it going on.
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