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12/14/2005 Entry: "Checking in"
 Checking in
Am unbelievably busy. Deadlines have been pushed forward due to an overhaul/restructuring of our work processes and everyone's been on their toes trying to meet them. And while all this is happening, there is also the company dinner this Friday to prepare for. And I've got a shoot tomorrow so I won't be in the office at all. Diana woke me up at 8am to tell me that she's back. Incidently on Tuesday morning while having coffee with Tiffany we decided to call Tse Wei and met up for a bit. Then Irene calls after Diana. And Lynn's back. So is Sharon. And suddenly I have a social life again.. haha. Office is kinda buzzing also as we're launching OK! Malaysia on tomorrow night and there are shitloads to do. I'm not that involved, but Tiffany is, and the excitement kinda spreads. Especially when Tiffany is on a constant caffeine/sugar high. I'll be seeing quite a number of people that I haven't seen in ages tomorrow, so that'll be fun. I have two new friends from WoW (yes I hear you gasping) which are quite fun to hang out with online and offline and they'll be coming as well. They're friends of Q's so they are not entirely strangers. We've already had a few escapades! You'll hear from me soon, and I promise to take some pictures.
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