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01/17/2006 Entry: "Beauty in thunderstorms"
 Beauty in thunderstorms
The rain this morning reminded me of that one evening on a couch, listening to Suede and sipping local beer. Perhaps it was the melancholic rhythm beating on the awning outside my window, or the terribly loud silence when I woke up and realising this life is far too short to not make mistakes. Immediately I wished that today was two years ago and I would make the same mistake again; has it been two years already? Time flies when you're busy. Perhaps that is my reason for my unrelenting daily regime. That way I never have to really think. Some call it denial, I call it good delegation of resources. I find solitude in loneliness, and rain tends to amplify the smallest of emotions.
Replies: 6 comments
Hi I stumbled upon your page from RBJ. :) You're so right about rain though. It's funny how it can spur all those emotions again.
Posted by Sammy @ 01/18/2006 06:19 AM GMT
your office always give me this feeling that its raining but when i look outside it's bright and not a drop of rain. maybe thats why you're good in design because the place ambiance kinda amplified your emotion kot? *shrugs* all i know that my creative can flow really good when i'm there. :)
Posted by naz @ 01/20/2006 01:27 AM GMT
more bands to wallow in your own: verve pipe, a perfect circle and coldplay
Posted by JooZ @ 01/26/2006 09:37 AM GMT
oh, and the deftones, cant forget the deftones. evanescense optional :p
Posted by JooZ @ 01/26/2006 09:51 AM GMT
you actually made me think a lot about that "life is too short NOT to make mistakes" bit. i've been playing it safe in some parts of my life, and i realize i'm missing out a lot (on those parts). not anymore. that's a good philosophy...
Posted by killuminati @ 01/26/2006 01:15 PM GMT
i love how the moment where it's about 5-10 mins before a storm!
Posted by Ripcord @ 02/21/2006 09:56 PM GMT
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