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02/06/2024 Entry: "No Ibiza"
 No Ibiza
It's not hard to imagine me saying this - it's good to be back at work. The last 9 days have somewhat displaced my normal schedule but 9 days of coffee, good food, free money, WoW and The OC doesn't take much getting used to. But heck, I miss the humdrum. Been doing alot of thinking also. It's that time of the year again when having a break kinda gives you the impression that you're off to another start. And while most people around me are non-confrontational and happy to leave things the way they are (if it ain't broke..) I find myself finding fault with myself alot. Being a tight-arsed perfectionist doesn't help much. So now I've got this list of things to fix / do / conquer / eventually get round to but I don't know where to start. It's so easy to just ignore it, you know what I mean? But here's Step 1: I've decided not to take that long break this year. At least not in the first half. I haven't done anything lately that deserves such a reward.
Replies: 3 comments
You damn bad la. Always holiday. I never get to... Boooo....
Posted by KinkyPugKevin @ 02/10/2024 11:21 AM GMT
steph! sorry i ran out of phone credit... but happy birthday!!
Posted by tans @ 02/10/2024 07:42 PM GMT
wah happening!! i saw u in faces magazine
Posted by Julie @ 02/15/2006 11:05 AM GMT
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