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04/11/2023 Entry: "Annoyances"


It's one of those days today: waking up past sunset and missing that break of light and wandering about the darkness blindly. Much a metaphor for I seem to be completely unsure of what I'm doing, where I'm going and why I'm here. Something's been bugging me of late.. but I don't know what exactly. I just can't put my finger on it. I seem to be floating around in my own little bubble; my thoughts have a mind of their own and I don't know what I'm thinking of. I often laugh at such idiosyncrasies, thinking anything less that 100% is beneath me and then I'm reminded again that I am, after all, human. Maybe I just hate the idea of being vulnerable in any way.. also therein lies the danger of falling back into old habits: When in doubt, shop. Today's damage? One rose-print Marc Jacobs dress. I really have been trying not to spend.

Replies: 7 comments

Marc Jacobs dress? hehe. schweet. ;D

Posted by aly @ 04/13/2006 12:33 PM GMT

Youch! Even i've* never bought a Marc Jacob's dress... or even a BCBG one which i loved to bits 0_o

*cries to self in corner*

Unless i buy the dress. And then nibble at it for half a month. oR. Buy the gorgeous dress, **** in it, and get men to take me out ;)

Okay okay no slutting no slutting

omg so obvious i'm trying to take my mind off work right -_-

Posted by JoyceTheFairy @ 04/16/2006 02:33 PM GMT

hee hee. u can find all the nicest BCBG stuff on ebay from this seller in california for really cheap - they're the real deal!

Posted by fuzzy @ 04/17/2006 09:54 AM GMT

what is the name of the seller again?

Posted by anon @ 04/17/2006 08:38 PM GMT

search for user: jtandcompany

Posted by fuzzy @ 04/18/2006 10:25 AM GMT

2nd hand or off season dresses?

Posted by amy @ 04/21/2006 09:57 AM GMT

off season and samples

Posted by fuzzy @ 04/21/2006 10:44 AM GMT

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