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05/16/2006 Entry: "Back to work, you"

Back to work, you

It's great being back at work and doing something useful again (as opposed to slogging away in bed procrastinating, running silly errands for everyone and their mothers, spending all my money on more dresses I don't really need, reading countless magazines in the name of research.. then using that information for eBay shopping instead, playing Warcraft till 5am, having tea with fellow busybodies and contemplating manicure over pedicures while nibbling away on special order chocolat noir aux ecorces d'orange, watching DVD after pirate DVD and smoking like a chimney).

First day back in the office, I find out that there's a wedding in Singapore I've RSVPed for and nearly forgot (christ, I've forgotten to collect my passport despite govt. efficiency), a client has agreed to sponsor clothes for a shoot that I get to keep (for which I have to drag my ass to the mall to go pick out.. oh the drudgery..) and there are about a million things lined up for Saturday night.

While it's nice to have some sort of life again.. it does feel a little strange.

Replies: 5 comments

WOOT welcome back to the real world!! ;)

Posted by angeline @ 05/16/2006 10:45 PM GMT

Feels a little strange? Well, that's just what life is. Strange.

Posted by Kenneth @ 05/18/2006 12:30 AM GMT

wellcome back hope to have nice time!

Posted by shoaib @ 05/19/2006 09:42 PM GMT

It is SO nice to be able to piss about... until it just gets totally boring and you know it's time to get moving when people start saying "Wah so lucky ah you? No need to work ah?" and you feel like bloody slapping them in the face.

Posted by Dolly @ 05/20/2006 12:06 AM GMT

yes it is.. after a while it was like, omg i miss work O.o

Posted by fuzzy @ 05/22/2006 10:20 AM GMT

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