Monday, February 20, 2024
28 days.. only?
Can't wait for February to end. From a work perspective it's a really short month and I don't like short months. On the bright side, there will be 3 extra days in March! Although if I had any say at all a year would only have 10 months instead of 12 and summer holidays should apply to work :P Haven't really had time for Warcraft lately but whenever I have a moment I'm farming for the Darkmoon Amulet. I think I should also start on the new rep thing because it has really sweet rewards although that might take alot of time. Can't decide if I should stick to farming AV rep instead. Anyway, March is just around the corner. There's Tiesto and Formula One, two things that should happen more often in KL. Also a slew of related piss ups and meeting my ex-future husband-to-be, Mr Ice Man. Can't wait!
Posted by Stephanie, 06:53 PM [No Comments]
Wednesday, February 15, 2024
No love for Streamyx
Today is a wasted effort. The internet situation in the office is bordering on ridiculous. It is nearly non-existent and unfortunately it is messing up my production schedules big time. I don't know what to do. I feel like this week is some kind of conspiracy against order. Did anyone else witness last night's VDay after-work/dinner rush on the roads and in the malls.. and how it was impossible to get anywhere on time? And Monday's general lag spill from the weekend where things seem to move at snail's pace.. Even WoW is laggy. What's going on?
Posted by Stephanie, 12:05 PM [1 Comment]
Monday, February 6, 2024
No Ibiza
It's not hard to imagine me saying this - it's good to be back at work. The last 9 days have somewhat displaced my normal schedule but 9 days of coffee, good food, free money, WoW and The OC doesn't take much getting used to. But heck, I miss the humdrum. Been doing alot of thinking also. It's that time of the year again when having a break kinda gives you the impression that you're off to another start. And while most people around me are non-confrontational and happy to leave things the way they are (if it ain't broke..) I find myself finding fault with myself alot. Being a tight-arsed perfectionist doesn't help much. So now I've got this list of things to fix / do / conquer / eventually get round to but I don't know where to start. It's so easy to just ignore it, you know what I mean? But here's Step 1: I've decided not to take that long break this year. At least not in the first half. I haven't done anything lately that deserves such a reward.
Posted by Stephanie, 03:34 PM [3 comments]
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