Tuesday, March 28, 2024
 Gripe of the day
I often wonder.. what is the turning point, the threshold between tolerance and utter disdain of a person's actions and at what value should stereotypes and other misconceptions be taken into consideration before yelling "fuck off, you arsehole" and diving off into ignore mode? I find that I get really irritated by small things pertaining especially to disregard. Really, if you don't want to hear what I have to say, why the hell should you bother asking in the first place?
Posted by Stephanie, 05:21 PM [No Comments]
Saturday, March 18, 2024
 Grand Prix weekend!
This year's Sepang GP is gonna be a bit different. I've been given a photographer/press pass under F1 Racing that will allow me to get some really nice views of the race in progress and access to the paddock. It will be my first time going for a GP professionally (if you discount that one time I was a grid girl :P) so I'm pretty excited! Anyway, so did I go psychostalker fan on meeting Kimi? Almost. He's so cute in person! Suddenly I'm 16 again. After the press conference was over and Kimi went to do his TV interviews.. I nicked his bottle of Evian :/ MC run last night was tiring. We missed Thursday's because of server maintenance. But don't think I'll get much done today/tomorrow because it is GP weekend! Tiesto tonight anyone? Photos later!
Posted by Stephanie, 10:18 AM [2 comments]
Tuesday, March 14, 2024
 Kimi is like, teh sex. OMG
Filling up all my hours quite nicely, thanks. At work, there are a number of upcoming events and tie-ins that we're working hard to support, on top of the usual stuff that we do. I'm trying to keep up my new resolution of not staying late nights in the office unless absolutely necessary! So far so good, have let a couple of nights slip.. but I'm hanging in there and cramming more into my normal hours. So much is happening; the World Cup is just around the corner and the Malaysian Grand Prix is on this weekend! Gotta remember to pick up some sunscreen and earplugs soon. And tomorrow I'm going to pick up my FIA accreditation for the races AND see Kimi in person. OMG. Pray I don't turn into a snap-happy psychostalker fan :P Online, I have been quite active lately also.. if you're wondering why I haven't been out on weekends :P On my second MC guild run last week I got NS boots! Yum. Also got the Darkmoon Amulet on the weekend after one month of farming and finally completed my Onyxia key chain quest after starting it two months ago. Would love to get some new weapons tho.. the one that drops off Hakkar is quite sexy. Thinking of a respec (sword spec atm) because I would love Perdition's.. someday! And also there's some stuff from AQ that are very nice.. daggers and a Tier 2 set that has great bonuses for combat specs.. but OMG maybe next year. Currently wielding two Dal'Rends. I need more DPS :(
Posted by Stephanie, 11:54 PM [10 comments]
Wednesday, March 8, 2024
 Losing faction with reality
So I was sitting at my desk this afternoon and trying to summon enough brain cells to work out some equations for a bunch of schedules I'm fine-tuning but my brains had other ideas. Part of it was trying to digest an anomaly I'd encountered last night, in my dreams no less, where I'd dreamt about something so out of wack that even coffee this morning didn't knock me out of my daze. Then this person (who will obviously remain nameless here) walked up to my desk and started talking to me about work, and it only registered about 10 minutes later. And 12 hours later I'm still in shocking disbelief. My dream wasn't even funny. And I really wish I can rant about it.. pfft. I think I think too much. I've even forgotten to mention the deposit I'd paid for a pre-order of a Macbook Pro! :)
Posted by Stephanie, 10:53 PM [9 comments]
Tuesday, March 7, 2024
 As seen from my bed
Have been completely sick/missing in action/busy recovering since my last post. Closing last month was particularly eventful, March being a Grand Prix month in Malaysia among a million other things. Publishing is a very exciting industry to be heavily involved in. Especially when you're busy living a separate life on Azeroth. I haven't had time to check my personal email until yesterday, when I did and found about 6000 junk mails cluttering up my inbox so I quickly screened through the headers from my web interface and replied some important ones before deleting all my accounts (yay) forcing incoming mails to go straight to jail, do not pass go, yada yada. Brilliant. Then it hit me that I use one particular address for some important login/registration purposes so I had to reinstate it, download a new email client (Thunderbird) and, sigh, deal with it. My personal email has changed so if you catch me on MSN you will see it. And probably laugh. In the couple of days that I was off sick, I have been ploughing through a few books (travel journals; my new obsession) in hopes of being inspired to pack up and disappear somewhere later this year.. and in the meantime live vicariously through other people's experiences. I've picked up books on Ireland, Sydney, Puerto Rico, eating through Italy and a compilation of funny travel stories from around the world. Morocco sounds appealing thus far, as does the south of France and of course eating through Italy, but I've never really been a backpacking sort. Big cities (initially planned to revisit London, check out Zurich, New York and Moscow) have lost their glittering appeal somewhere at the end of last year, I'm sad to say, because I thought I've always been the stiletto sort. Apparently not, if this is any indication: the words 'sample sales' and 'vodka' don't have the same effect on me that it used to. Gasp. Which, ironically, is very me in general. In between here and there. Undecided. Fickle. Undefinable. A grey area. Must be some stress-induced mid-20s phase. I'll leave the whole blonde issue for later. Anyway. Anyone going to the Midi Convention this weekend?
Posted by Stephanie, 03:20 PM [No Comments]
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