Monday, May 29, 2024
Singapore was awesome! Now I have to figure out how to download the pics from my camera.. because my Macbook doesn't have an SD drive like my old laptop had. LOL.
Posted by Stephanie, 11:05 AM [No Comments]
Monday, May 22, 2024
The K-Zone 1st Birthday Bash at Sunway Lagoon yesterday was great fun. Much as I don't like screaming kids, I realise that 10-15 year olds ain't that bad after all, especially when they were occupied with having a blast. Hard to believe also, that K-Zone (one of the magazines that I work on) has turned one! Thats twelve whole issues of slogging through deadlines and mad kids. I have a weird tan now because I kept my shorts on. Malaysians tend to be strange dressers on the surf. I guess it's part of conservative Asian culture so its crap getting perved at when you show up in a skimpy bikini when everyone else is covered up. Hello, sunburnt shoulders and stripey thighs ;P Excited about Ken & Chris' wedding in Singapore this weekend. What to wear ah? Apparently Singaporeans dress up alot more than Malaysians do at weddings.. urk. Will be missing a BWL run on Friday night.. but I imagine shopping in Singapore will be just as fun. Hehe.
Posted by Stephanie, 11:36 AM [1 Comment]
Tuesday, May 16, 2024
 Back to work, you
It's great being back at work and doing something useful again (as opposed to slogging away in bed procrastinating, running silly errands for everyone and their mothers, spending all my money on more dresses I don't really need, reading countless magazines in the name of research.. then using that information for eBay shopping instead, playing Warcraft till 5am, having tea with fellow busybodies and contemplating manicure over pedicures while nibbling away on special order chocolat noir aux ecorces d'orange, watching DVD after pirate DVD and smoking like a chimney). First day back in the office, I find out that there's a wedding in Singapore I've RSVPed for and nearly forgot (christ, I've forgotten to collect my passport despite govt. efficiency), a client has agreed to sponsor clothes for a shoot that I get to keep (for which I have to drag my ass to the mall to go pick out.. oh the drudgery..) and there are about a million things lined up for Saturday night. While it's nice to have some sort of life again.. it does feel a little strange.
Posted by Stephanie, 08:10 PM [5 comments]
Monday, May 8, 2024
I just got my passport renewed this morning which takes a day to process and got round to making my new IC, which cost RM10 now.. but only took 15 mins. Am quite a little startled by the sudden efficiency of the government, which till today I only had bad experiences with. There is hope after all :P
Posted by Stephanie, 07:10 PM [9 comments]
Saturday, May 6, 2024
I've just discovered the full potential of widgets. An eBay watch list tracking and a WoW server status/raid calendar just found their way onto my dashboard. One word: Rocks!
Posted by Stephanie, 04:23 AM [2 comments]
Friday, May 5, 2024
 A fortnight of absolutely nothing to do
Having said nothing for a while, its hard to pick up the pace again. I'm currently on a 2 week hiatus, a break from work that I quite badly needed.. and I'm enjoying the privilege of not having to wake up at 7am, although I suspect the baristas at Starbucks will miss me in the mornings. I have no plans to go anywhere, and I know most would think that is a complete waste of 2 weeks, but I'm just happy to chill for now. Have purchased over 15 DVDs so far, and slowly making progress. V for Vendetta is such a good movie. Shut up, I swear I'm not spending all my time on WoW.. ;)
Posted by Stephanie, 07:59 PM [9 comments]
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