Log Archives

June 2006 / May 2006 / April 2006 / March 2006 / February 2006 / January 2006 / December 2005 / November 2005 / October 2005 / September 2005 / August 2005 / July 2005 / June 2005 / May 2005 / April 2005 / March 2005 / February 2005 / January 2005 / December 2004 / November 2004 / October 2004 / September 2004 / August 2004 / July 2004 / June 2004 / May 2004 / April 2004 / March 2004 / February 2004 / January 2004 / December 2003 / November 2003 / October 2003 / May 2002


12/06/2006: Talk about timing
04/06/2006: At least coffee still works
29/05/2006: Monday
22/05/2006: Splash!
16/05/2006: Back to work, you
08/05/2006: Surprises
06/05/2006: Widgets
05/05/2006: A fortnight of absolutely nothing to do
26/04/2006: Hello, world
11/04/2006: Annoyances
05/04/2006: Flashback: 1999!
03/04/2006: Still alive!
28/03/2006: Gripe of the day
18/03/2006: Grand Prix weekend!
14/03/2006: Kimi is like, teh sex. OMG
08/03/2006: Losing faction with reality
07/03/2006: As seen from my bed
20/02/2006: 28 days.. only?
15/02/2006: No love for Streamyx
06/02/2006: No Ibiza
31/01/2006: Arf arf
17/01/2006: Beauty in thunderstorms
16/01/2006: We're here for the vodkas, sir
11/01/2006: Oops they've done it again!
04/01/2006: Enter 2006
30/12/2005: All I want in 2006 is a Powerbook
24/12/2005: Mistletoe
23/12/2005: RMCC annual dinner
16/12/2005: Inside the Celebrity World - OK! Malaysia Launch Party
14/12/2005: Checking in
07/12/2005: I spy a black nappa leather Spy
06/12/2005: Random tinsel
18/11/2005: A total 180
16/11/2005: Seven
15/11/2005: de05
11/11/2005: Not entirely a revelation but...
07/11/2005: Runnin' runnin'
02/11/2005: A little bit of madness
31/10/2005: R-E-S-C-P-E-T
26/10/2005: Cut and Faced
26/10/2005: Stating the obvious
23/10/2005: I like hitting Option-8
14/10/2005: A silent goodbye
11/10/2005: Skywalker
05/10/2005: Cripes
04/10/2005: More on shoes
30/09/2005: Down South, up North and some distance East
29/09/2005: On a semi-permanent DND mode
21/09/2005: The usual diatribe
20/09/2005: Issues with issues
15/09/2005: Photo quickie
15/09/2005: I do have limited vocabulary at times
13/09/2005: Disconnected
12/09/2005: Connected
09/09/2005: Something blue
08/09/2005: Gluten me
08/09/2005: Pictures
07/09/2005: Almost a fantasy
06/09/2005: Up North
04/09/2005: For a dollar darlin', I'll take you to Kurast
02/09/2005: A bout of flu and blues
31/08/2005: If all else fails, eat
29/08/2005: Oil and water never quite did mix
28/08/2005: Two hours ahead
27/08/2005: At the end of the tunnel
23/08/2005: I feel like I am in one of Dali's melting clock pieces
21/08/2005: Julian's farewell
15/08/2005: As I was saying...
11/08/2005: Friday should be a non-working day too
10/08/2005: Hazed
10/08/2005: Humdrum
05/08/2005: Not so good news
05/08/2005: Salt and pepper
03/08/2005: I've always wondered why I turned out to be a pixel-obsessed oddball
03/08/2005: And they say women are hard to digest
02/08/2005: I can't believe I forgot to mention...
02/08/2005: Porn straps and velvet ribbons
29/07/2005: You get a little bit closer
29/07/2005: My first Proton
28/07/2005: Your credit card number please
25/07/2005: Midnight crap
21/07/2005: Polish fun
14/07/2005: Grr
11/07/2005: Amsterdam in 20 pictures
09/07/2005: Who really knows?
08/07/2005: I'm here but I'm not really here
27/06/2005: Hiatus
22/06/2005: Minutiae
16/06/2005: Get your JUICE Freakshow invites here
16/06/2005: The Loft
14/06/2005: Big apples
13/06/2005: Men in blue
09/06/2005: Another milestone
06/06/2005: Coffee talk
02/06/2005: Of champs and cramps
01/06/2005: Down, down, down...
30/05/2005: From the Command Centre
25/05/2005: A paler shade
16/05/2005: Feel this
11/05/2005: To a special friend
11/05/2005: The easy way out
10/05/2005: Mergers and Acquisitions
02/05/2005: Business as usual
19/04/2005: It's snowing where I'm at
15/04/2005: Keeping up
11/04/2005: Identity theft happens in this neighbourhood, too
07/04/2005: A prevision
03/04/2005: Villa de Fedelia
31/03/2005: Sand between my toes
29/03/2005: Earthquake in KL?
28/03/2005: A high note
22/03/2005: Designs Wanted
21/03/2005: Raceday weekend
16/03/2005: Red hot
15/03/2005: Power failure
15/03/2005: Thalatha
15/03/2005: Not so
14/03/2005: A matter of 747s
06/03/2005: Nonsense, like, affectionately of course.
04/03/2005: It'd be so cool
03/03/2005: Some local news
01/03/2005: 8:45am
28/02/2005: Can you keep a secret?
27/02/2005: Walking amongst the new and old
24/02/2005: Up ahead
22/02/2005: Things people say
21/02/2005: Joys of life #423
20/02/2005: Night at The Loft
17/02/2005: Another 50 things
11/02/2005: Schwinging it one more time
10/02/2005: Not quite so simple
08/02/2005: Roosters
04/02/2005: We gonna party like it's our Birthday...
02/02/2005: Android
28/01/2005: Ice cold beer
26/01/2005: Rags and Nails
20/01/2005: Magic
18/01/2005: Cheese
10/01/2005: Objects of desire
04/01/2005: 50 things
31/12/2004: Adieu 2004
30/12/2004: Translate me
30/12/2004: Gig @ Alexis in aid of tsunami victims
27/12/2004: Openskies
27/12/2004: Lines
24/12/2004: Snowflakes and whatnot
21/12/2004: Electric Stardust!
15/12/2004: Hangover cures 101
14/12/2004: Spring Clean
13/12/2004: It's official
07/12/2004: Thirst and Zoukout
06/12/2004: Zouked Out
02/12/2004: ZoukOut!
29/11/2004: Where in the World?
25/11/2004: Invoice Overdue Notice
24/11/2004: Pictures
19/11/2004: Atlas Shrugged
17/11/2004: Risk
12/11/2004: New shoes
09/11/2004: And all that
05/11/2004: Friday Fives
01/11/2004: JUICE 6th Anniversary Party @ Zouk SG
29/10/2004: Causeway craze
26/10/2004: Beijing in Autumn
16/10/2004: Slow boat to China
13/10/2004: Weekend pictures
09/10/2004: Hard out
07/10/2004: Bits of everything
04/10/2004: Iwantwannathose...
04/10/2004: Powerdrills and green meals
01/10/2004: Back on track
29/09/2004: Bread and Butter
28/09/2004: Blue for Blue and other staged acts
27/09/2004: Legendary weekend... not!
24/09/2004: Un-surprises
23/09/2004: Odd vibes
21/09/2004: Sapporo wants you!
20/09/2004: Where does all the money go?
17/09/2004: And then there was
14/09/2004: O Negative
14/09/2004: Transatlantic sexcapades
10/09/2004: Zipping through another week
08/09/2004: Birthdays etc
06/09/2004: I'd like fries with that
03/09/2004: A bass note
02/09/2004: The Cosmopolitan Party
01/09/2004: A fuzzy opinion on Women
30/08/2004: 'Chee-naaar-tah-un'
27/08/2004: Stuff related stuff, and other random stuff
26/08/2004: Arsed On Line
26/08/2004: In progress
25/08/2004: Hiss, spat, zzz
23/08/2004: On dinner, dessert, and shameless donations
19/08/2004: Stuff-it
16/08/2004: The fourth state of matter
13/08/2004: Fabulous-ness
11/08/2004: Full stop, period
11/08/2004: 10 words
10/08/2004: A Kiwi thing
10/08/2004: Priorities
07/08/2004: Question
06/08/2004: Liquid Glamour
05/08/2004: Lang Tengah
31/07/2004: Sun, sand, surf
28/07/2004: eTherapy
26/07/2004: Error 830
22/07/2004: Don't mind if I do, don't mind if I don't
22/07/2004: Ghetto Heaven
21/07/2004: Splash
19/07/2004: Green Room
19/07/2004: Shafiq
16/07/2004: Shoes
15/07/2004: Lynn
15/07/2004: Shut yer gob!
14/07/2004: Heineken Green Room Festival
12/07/2004: Naughty 23rd
11/07/2004: Wireless Sunday
08/07/2004: Case study material
08/07/2004: Unexpected dog poo
07/07/2004: Pink
06/07/2004: Insomnia
02/07/2004: W Wine Room launch
01/07/2004: New Wheels
30/06/2004: Prayer
29/06/2004: Another day
28/06/2004: Two extremes
25/06/2004: Traffic report
24/06/2004: Moneymaking schematics
24/06/2004: Silence
23/06/2004: Morning buzzes
22/06/2004: Tuesdays with Scott
21/06/2004: Seven sins
18/06/2004: Half-hearted woofs
18/06/2004: Fuzzy, woozy and wonky
17/06/2004: Rush Pre-launch
17/06/2004: Socratic Puzzles
16/06/2004: Clients
16/06/2004: Shades of gray
14/06/2004: Parties
14/06/2004: Change of address
11/06/2004: Mail Order Madness
09/06/2004: Links
08/06/2004: Panic Button
04/06/2004: Idle thoughts
04/06/2004: Conversations
02/06/2004: Pink again
31/05/2004: Shoe-gar Daddies Wanted
29/05/2004: Stilettoes for lounge pants
28/05/2004: The violin and the cello
27/05/2004: Sickie
26/05/2004: ...
25/05/2004: Geez
24/05/2004: Tony Tiger
21/05/2004: epiphany
21/05/2004: Public Service Annoucement
20/05/2004: More shoes.
17/05/2004: IdN Singapore 2004
16/05/2004: Alvin Tan FAQs You
14/05/2004: aiya
12/05/2004: Alvin Tan is on Fuzzy!
12/05/2004: ate a piece of chocalate...
12/05/2004: Hiatus
12/05/2004: writers' blog
11/05/2004: Dramatic
09/05/2004: Bee Gees overkill
04/05/2004: Starbucks at 2am
30/04/2004: Shoes
29/04/2004: Anya / Hennessy Discover Music Launch
28/04/2004: The day after the mourning ends
26/04/2004: Monday
24/04/2004: In memory of my uncle.
23/04/2004: Quickie
21/04/2004: Anagrams
20/04/2004: Sudden Data Loss
19/04/2004: Recovery
19/04/2004: Crashes
16/04/2004: Boring
16/04/2004: Rrr!
15/04/2004: Random
14/04/2004: MEME
12/04/2004: Supastar
09/04/2004: Money
07/04/2004: Wu-Names
06/04/2004: Self-mutilation
05/04/2004: Ghetting ghetto
31/03/2004: Smirnoff Twist
30/03/2004: Words in the air
30/03/2004: LovePhoung
29/03/2004: Rock Cafe
27/03/2004: A wet and white affair
26/03/2004: Pre-Aqua
26/03/2004: Zouk Launch
24/03/2004: Too early
23/03/2004: Hectic hectic
22/03/2004: Sepang GP
21/03/2004: Red Zone Regenerate
18/03/2004: Renault Pit Party
16/03/2004: Non-stop
15/03/2004: Lamb
15/03/2004: Waterfall
12/03/2004: Thought generation
08/03/2004: I!
08/03/2004: KKB
05/03/2004: Another lost post
04/03/2004: I did it for science!
02/03/2004: Idiosyncracies
01/03/2004: Lust Pics
01/03/2004: Lust Aftermath
27/02/2004: Pure White Lust
25/02/2004: Intermission
23/02/2004: Rock-Chiq!
20/02/2004: Picture
17/02/2004: Anti-antiskepticism
16/02/2004: Le weekend une grande
11/02/2004: Twenty Three
09/02/2004: Interpretations
08/02/2004: Flu
07/02/2004: Sue me!
06/02/2004: WOTD
06/02/2004: Survey
05/02/2004: Day 1
03/02/2004: A post
30/01/2004: Rainy Thursday
27/01/2004: Perhaps
26/01/2004: Mondays
24/01/2004: Going postal
23/01/2004: Social niceties and kodak moments
21/01/2004: Something to crow about
21/01/2004: Comebacks
20/01/2004: My claim to Geekdom
19/01/2004: Hit by a tidal wave of fatigue
19/01/2004: Oh well..
19/01/2004: Roy's back!
16/01/2004: Ixus-I
16/01/2004: LOTR: TTT
15/01/2004: Help Needed
15/01/2004: Two observations
14/01/2004: Books!
13/01/2004: Someone exactly like you
12/01/2004: 3 minutes
12/01/2004: Sudden influx
12/01/2004: Mark Nam, and my year so far
10/01/2004: Cast
09/01/2004: Sunset
09/01/2004: Bruises
08/01/2004: Help
08/01/2004: Knock, knock.
08/01/2004: Guestbook Entry
08/01/2004: Star Virgo
04/01/2004: Quickie
02/01/2004: Pre-Phuket checklist
02/01/2004: Seven deadly sins
02/01/2004: Non-Resolute-Ness
02/01/2004: A party to remember
08/12/2003: She remembers
05/11/2003: Russian roulette
30/10/2003: The Great Wellington (insert random descriptive word here) 2003!
29/05/2002: The Aiyah 50
07/05/2002: Mschmidt! <3!

This website (c) absolutely-fuzzy.com, 2001-2003.

Party Animals UNITE!

Wish List