If only it were Summer all year around
Sydney weather has hit it’s lowest for the year, I think. My heart sinks a little every morning I look outside and the sky is not the brilliant blue I always expect it to be. Even then, the shadows run long and the wind bites. I’m still in a bit of a denial and I’m sure I’ve left part of myself somewhere in the Aegean.. my Winter clothes are still sitting in a box in the basement and I can’t be bothered to get them out. No wonder I’m freezing my ass off! But ironically I find Winter a little less cold each year. Perhaps I’m finally getting used to it, and perhaps it’s finally getting used to me?
It’s only July but I’m already obsessed with the coming (Australian) Summer months - planning, anticipating, day-dreaming.. it feels a little like the void a lover leaves only there’s nothing you can really do about the weather but to wait, or move with it.. and I can’t say I haven’t been tempted to especially when I have so many amazing friends around the world. Some days I wonder if this wanderlust is a curse or a blessing. I can’t seem to get Summer’s promise of sunshine and freedom out of my head..
Next stop - Tasmania. In Winter. Oh dear.