Ikea Tempe

Last Sunday at the preview of the new Ikea Tempe! So lovely of Dr G and Craig to have us come and shop before the official opening this coming Thursday. Craig’s been working hard for the last 7 months or so and it’s nice to see it finally complete. Also, no crowds and no queues. We came home with some bargains (they gave us a discount) and somehow W spent more than I did. I’m just happy I have more space for my shoes! The place is friggin’ HUGE. Something like 2.5km just walking through two floors.

I’d really like a herb wall for my kitchen just like this one! I have a little parsley plant in my window but my cat has been nibbling away at it so it’s in a pretty sorry state.

  • http://styleflakes.blogspot.com konstantina

    thank you honeyyy!!! i think that this would be the perfect place to loose contact with anything else for as long as you are in there!you can find great things in reasonable prices!and as far as i can see…i love your bag! :) xoxo http://styleflakes.blogspot.com

    • http://www.absolutely-fuzzy.com Stephanie

      thanks, it’s one of my faves! x

  • http://msaudreyc.wordpress.com/ audz

    OOOoOO I want, want, want EVERYTHING

    • http://www.absolutely-fuzzy.com Stephanie

      it’s hard to shop there with a budget for sure!

      • http://www.faiththiang.com Faith

        Agreed… I once went there to buy something for $30 and I think I ended up spending about 10 times more on other stuff…

  • http://www.faiththiang.com Faith

    Fun! The herb wall is great. The last pic is so cute :)

  • http://wanderlustandco.com Jenn

    GASP! BAG!!! :))

    • http://www.absolutely-fuzzy.com Stephanie

      Did you manage to find one? :) x